Back to the usual TV blather

Jun 05, 2007 07:54

SUCCESS! Imagine it is several days ago.

Veronica Mars 3-5 President Evil
May have been my mood, but I was very ho-hum about this ep and what people were doing in it. Mainly, Veronica and Keith were being somewhat obnoxious (though KBell did a fabulous job with Veronica's rage over Lilly's necklace) but it felt like everyone suddenly remembered Lilly - but then I may have just forgotten V being given the suddenly hugely significant necklace. I can just about work out and excuse Weevil only being annoyed over Veronica going out with Logan now (he'd have been busy when they were a couple before is what i'm coming up with). But there was a lot of other stuff that seemed to have dropped on us.

As for Keith, well I had a moment's pause when O'Dell asked him what he'd do if Veronica was in his stepson's place, and my answer was 'Hide his tracks better'. I mean, it is true. Keith was acting high when Cliff was around btw. Now this was entertaining, because Cliff is no less than entertaining, but it was weird too.

And what a lot of Backup there was this ep.

Still. Lamb is Lamb. Also entertaining, also doing the equivalent of stepping on a rake every time he is around a Mars. I missed Piz. I had no idea who 'Wallace's' friend was, and I will not be shocked when it is revealed that Wallace told on the 'tutor'. (At least he'd better). Logan can do sidekick more often if Dohring gets to continue pulling those funny faces. But the O'Dell stuff felt weird. Rushed or not intorduced properly.

FNL. 1-13 Little Girl I want to marry you - we don't get the episode titles in the UK, by the way.

Awesomeness: Tyra, go her with her version of third-wave feminism. As per Herc, wouldn't we all dump Lyla and go after, Tyra? Well, I would. Cuteness: Matt, Matt's grandmother including Julie in the hug. Heartbreak! Also awesome: Smash's mother!!! Silly, silly boy, only starting to see what he was up against/had done (has he really?).

Jason's proposal = bad idea (obviously). Buddy actually had a point about not wanting Lyla to be defined as Jason's caregiver, though the decision is surely hers, in the end. Though not right now. How old are they, anyway? And look at the kids all treating Buddy as job dispenser, even if they all know it's dodgy. But on to more interesting things, an ever more stressed Coach - badly handling the missus, whereas she of, course, can totally handle him. Matt's crooked half-smile at getting to do his thing (blatantly setting up a replaement father figure as the Bad Dad returns to shirking his responsibilities). Tim continuing to lie to himself. Oh, how I want good thngs for Tyra - but you know her mother is not going to provide.

And then Ugly Betty was smashing fun. 1-22 A Tree Grows in Guadalajara. I didn't talk last week about Betty's big speech about how she could take care of herself, even if she was a princess, in response to Henry's gallant, but misguided and limited, chivalry (because he does, after all, have a girlfriend who is not Betty) and how that was all undercut by Daniel being the one to pay for the tickets to help Ignatio. Because the how do I ship and how will the show ship questions are still bubbling under.

It occurred to me watching this ep, that Justing didn't really need to go to Mexico. He was superfluous to the family reunion and could have stayed with Santos. Meanwhile, Marc & Amanda = BFF!!! I'm relieved they finally opened up the secret room. Don't know why nobody has failed to notice that Daniel is being hyper everything (and, again, stupid). Overall, I was nicely entertained. So, it'll be interesting to see what gets sorted and what not in the finale. Ooh, failed to mention that Rebecca Gayheart has formerly played a character named Betty. I keep watching her and inking 'Inara?...Does not compute.' It was her, wasn't it?

Also, I want Chris Gorham's Henry to be the biggest thing EVAH to increase the chances of Jake 2.0 being released on DVD. Lots of varous seasons are coming to an end now. These four are, i think, all the shows I'm fannish abuot, and Ugly Betty's first season is ending. I may get round to watching some more of my DVDs. Or no, hang on, grass season tennis distraction.

LJ was so rubbish, that I started adding comments on ER to this post, several hours after I first intended to post it. Luka has been cute. It's weird to see the Reela strand solely from Ray's POV. Katie returned to make me furrow my brow a little at the inexplicable Ray/Katie timeline, but the point is, she's not a main character and so I get to rag at her for sleeping with her resident. And he has just been cute with a kid, Archie has just winningly told off Gates, also. HA!

What? Luka's resigning as chief!? Um, that came out of nowhere - if they'd shown the build up of meetings and that pressure on him, that might have helped. And they could quite easily have done so if Gates wasn't eating up all the plotlines.

friday night lights, tv, veronica mars, er, ugly betty

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