In deep, still shallow

Mar 29, 2007 19:58

And so, having admitted that I rather like FNL, I watched 1-6 El Accidente and found the opening scenes rather conveeeeeenient for a show that's going for versimilitude. The sequence of events was contrived (wouldn't Voodoo be making sure that he was watching the results? I mean he could have been trying to ensure that he ws doing so while he was getting food, but...) and we may have met Reyes before, but I don't remember him, nor Matt's friend.

And while she was right and I love her for it, at first, it seemed as if Mrs Coach had got to the rights of the situation because of female intuition. She did eventually back it up with evidence beyond 'I believed the mother because I am a mother too'). But for a while there it was iffy, though I liked Matt and Coach's journey to figuring out what was Right. I also liked that the boy who got beaten up wasn't actually that saintly, he'd been grouching and unwise (and was thus yet another 'Straight A student' I don't belive in) and believably ready to see Matt as transitioning. Not that I'm saying anything but ssault = wrong and misplacing the provocation = wrong and even with provocation starting fights is wrong. But I really like this whole Matt characterisaton arc - becoming a leader as well as juggling the new social avenues. And I think I'm realising how deep I'm in by how I'm rooting for Matt/Julie - did you notice that she is aware of him and his friendship with wehatshisname? And is giving him good advice? And even more, her disappointment that he had called to see her dad. Who I also love (I'd love him more if he gave Buddy what-for at this point, because someone needs to.)

While I quite like Jason Street and his journey too (though apparently he has no parents now), I've realised why the love quadrangle is boring me. Well, first it's confusing me because Tim looks like Warren Peace (see icon) or enough like him that my reactions are confused (he has pretty eyes and eyelashes, but my brain keeps over-writing Warren-reactions to Tim.). But I went through this plotline with Byker Grove (PJ-Debbie-Duncan-Amanda - I was going to do a synopsis, but it would be long.) The pertinent point is that I was about twelve then and as gripped by teh drama now I'm not, and I'm somewhat jaded. Though I could do a detailed synopsis based on memory. Hmm.

And then Ugly Betty, 1-12 Sofia's Choice which resolved the subplot that I didn't care for, in a way that I'm mostly indifferent about, really. There's a little bit of feeling sorry for Betty and Daniel, and relief that she's back where she belongs for now. Otherwise, Sofia (also called Reyes in the amusing conincidence of Bhe night) was really annoying, as she has been throughout, and the flashback that tied everything into the article just reminded me of that. And all that I can think is 'phew, she's gone'. I'm beginning to suspect Vanessa Williams is a better actress that I give her credit for (or maybe it's that she was stunning in that opera-going dress), and I really hope that Amanda's doppelganger returns. It would be AWESOME if she was Amanda's secret twin (or cousin) of whom she is dreadfully ashamed rather than a one-episode gag. In fact there should be a lot more doppelgangers on the show.

friday night lights, uk, tv, ugly betty

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