Links that have interested me. (Miscellaneous)

Mar 02, 2007 07:54

Via the usual sources of the flist and my own surfing...

writelyconcerns Set up by roonblah, its purpose is to be a community where writers of all levels can share experiences, frustrations, joys and information about writing. (This is for any sort of writing, original or fanfic).

And everyone's probably seen these recced somewhere, but tightropegirl had these great - funny and inspirational - postd about writing for love earlier this year: potato chips and it's follow up to treat your work as a noble form of war.

Via rez_lo, a story about how the Pentagon is funding scriptwriting classes (in part due to the CSI effect - spot the gratuitous statistic that had me putting my knuckles in my mouth).

Melinda Clarke news - she's in a pilot. (The premise sounds meh, but I think she's fabulous, so, go her.)

And for historical value:
This is the Mischa Barton/OC tag at Go Fug Yourself. They give good snark, but this is notable for pointing out the most atrocuious thing Marissa Cooper wore...EVER. (If you don't recall, the key words are green satin bow.)

Key Oscars/Hollywood quote:
According to Leo the American Film industry has always taken its responsibility to engender positive social change seriously. Well, that certainly explains "Norbit" and "Epic Movie".

Nathan Rabin at The A.V. Club.

fabu's review of Pan's Labyrinth, which I also recommend, worth reading the comments too.

A personal review of PL by sanyin.

A Notes on a Scandal film review that makes good points on how the main character is an unreliable narrator. (I also rated that film highly, bte.)

Other cool comms
I know this is last month, but it's not 'so last month'. 14valentines is a community that built up to Valentine's day by using a mix of fannish creations (biassed towards SGA fadndom) to highlight issues relating to women. I found a lot of the posts interestic, for example, Symbolic, a poem about women and the community of women by solvent90.

And girlgerms_news a weekly newsletter for fic, meta, art etc. focusing on female characters in a variety of fandoms. Such a good resource, such a cool idea that I blatantly borrowed it.

miscellaneous links, tv, the o.c., films, crime scene investigation, writing

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