Results of a lazy weekend pt. 1

Oct 29, 2006 21:48

Watched Robin Hood, spent most of it enjoying myself hugely pointing out its many flaws. There was a lot of suggesting of weaponry. So. Goodbye then, Roy. I liked you when you were mean to Much. But obviously, there is no Roy in the ballads.

Rampant idiocy abounded. Richard Armitage really did look Wolverinish in the dungeons, but let's not think about that, or I will think about everyone's clothes and Marain's stupid behaviour and everyone's stupid treatment of her and Robin's stupid behaviour and. Allan a Dale is currently the only character I genuinely like. But I am enjoying myself ripping the show to shreds.

Big Band night on The X-Factor Why did they cut out two acts? Had they got their timing wrong? Anyway, from the judges' overall behaviour, panto season's arrived.

I'll try to group my thoughts - didn't see Eton Road and Robert.

who I thought were the weakest.
La Jeune Nikitta: She started off badly. Walking is not dancing, and she was walking. Occasionally strolling and sometimes marching. Didn't think the song needed that, though she got it together at the end.

Ashley - obviously. Actually, I'd have said he sang it well if he hadn't fluffed his lines - though having seen him twice, maybe he was too casual, but he reminded me of Will Young a little, but his attitude after the judges pulled their punches was a bit much. Yes, the song was obviously wordy and not his usual type, but he handled it poorly.

Not bad, but I don't like them.
Ray (Liverpudlian Eddie Munster). He's less good than he thinks he is (evidence: the last few performances) and he came across as slurry and smug. At Times, Dionne sounded like Whitney, in terms of the quality of her voice, and I actually liked some of it, but Simon is right, she waddles on screen and doesn't come off well. I liked how she took the criticism.

Not bad, but not great either
The Macdnald Brothers. Much better than they've shown up till now. The styling worked, in fact, like everything, they didn't over-clutter the song or performance or push at the heartstrings - always offputting. They showed off their nice (if light) voices, sand Scottishly. They didn't have the oomph the chorus needs and suffered from following Ben, but they weren't appalling. Is the blond one the elder brother?

Pretty good:
Kerry - she sang the song meaningfully, it suited her voice. She may have suffered from following Leona

Better than the rest.
Leona had a great vocal workout, she shows amazing potential (she sounded like Christina, sorry, it was a night for celeb comparisons) bus she sang the actual song poorly.

Ben was the special performance for me. He found the melancholy in the song.

Anyway, given who the bottom three were, I thought that it was fair. Dionne was the one I liked the least and Louis arguments about Ashley's potential and Kerry having plateaued (maybe Simon was wrong last week in telling her that she had so much more to give). Actually, Louis really surprised me, he glazes his cmments in gloopy honey so much, and he suddenly turned around and was blunt at the last.

Was it me, or did tony Bennett come across as nice but doddery, and almost uncomfortable to watch except when he sang?
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