Blah de blah

Jul 09, 2004 19:23

A few scattered thoughts (I'm saving what I like to think of as coherence for all the comments and e-mails I owe.) So I realised on Tuesday, when five were showing a repeat, that I have in fact seen the finale of the latest C.S.I. series. Which - although it was a really good episode, one that hit a particular fannish nerve with reference to Dark Angel actually - only in retrospect seems like a finale. It's so weird to watch a series that isn't building up to an apocalyptic showdown followed by a massive plot twist. It's so normal

Speaking of apocalypses and whatnot, is that it? For Wesley and Lilah? They've just established myself as my OTP for that show, and then. . .whimper. I know, I know, after the whole Lilah-dressing-up-as-Fred there wasn't much hope, and the choosing a side speech was pretty powerful. I wanted it to last longer though. there'll be guest returns tho, surely? The last scenes between them in W and H were lovely. I know that the Wes/Fred/Gunn triangle is now going to bore me to tears. I like Wes more than I ever have since he discovered a murkier side, it lets the actor play with contrasts, I like Fred a lot at times, Gunn has never interested me much, but the three in a romantic pile up? Snore.

Petty!Angel amuses me.

This is all I know, I haven't watched season 3 yet. Must start hassling the terrestrial channels 'bout that. So, as I understand it, Jensen Ackles has been cast in Smallville, which is both funny and squeeish because he's working on a tv show that I'd watch. Less squeeish is that the character is - apparently - a love interest for Lana. Who I hate. Like she was Liz from Roswell, Dawson at his worst from the Creek, Dr Pratt at his brashest. The best the character can hope for from me is a look of glazed contemplation. the actress has my heartiest wishes for an early retirement. Couldn't he have been a cow-doctor? Or Pete's long lost cousin? Or anything but what I fear will be Whitney 2.0. (Seriously, no Oedipal ma issues or American football.) I see horrible, horrible music in the future. And eep.

Watched a bit of old school Buffy, season 2, sky one, thank you kindly. Darling Giles. That is all.

buffyverse, tv, shipping, crime scene investigation

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