Fairly short thoughts on...

Oct 06, 2006 16:13

WITB Hole in the heart 4:03
Nasty ep, unsurprisingly. As the bad guy was the American who can't spell from Spooks, I spent most of his screentime minding my s's ans z's. And I figured out that it was him as soon as the Masons sub-plot was done. Also I'm sure we've seen something awfully similar in terms of MO of the killing before on the show(a group of people killing for culty reasons). Though I think the mobile with pictures of victims and suspects as a tool for deduction is new.

Then last night I caught an Avengers episode that was a take off of the Day of the Triffids. And you know the promo picture of Robin Hood in silhouette in an archway, my thoughts every time I see that image is he looks like a teenage mutant hero turtle. Every time.

Veronica Mars 2-18 'I am God'

There was a real season 1 feel to this ep, well, obviously, with the heavy use of flashback, a haunting of Veronica, suitable lighting, the return of Paula Marshall (looking a lot like Eliza Dushku for some reason). And the quality. Which I totally welcome, it's just - okay, so we needed some of the clues that we got from the previous episodes, but shouldn't this urgency for Veronica to find out who blew up the bus have been with her throughout the year, and not now that she's getting accepted to Stanford? (Good for her etc. etc., lovely little scene with KB and EC. Fab acting as always from them through the ep.)

I have a very smug spec - the outing of all outings is Woody Goodman - see last week.

Dick is truly too stupid to live (except obviously not). Logan's better qualities are coming through (it must be near the end of the season - about time they explored interaction between him and Wallace. I loved that despite their egg protection competitiveness, it was Keith who probably decimated V's rival's chances of the scholarship V won't take/get anyway. And I loved that that rival (can you tell I don't remember her name) got her idea for here egg protection system from the balloons that she got from her mother. Mr Wu cannot be more detail oriented than this show! I am sure that V's bitchy ref to Hannah is significant. Lots and lots of good lines (they mocked Paris Hilton! HA!) And...yeah. I have to wait till a week Sunday to see the next ep. Sad face.

uk, tv, witb, veronica mars

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