American Idol, from four to three.

May 13, 2006 11:27

I thought that it was, actually, a fair decision. I also think it's really close, because everyone's bounced around in terms of position and I'm pleased that the content of the night really does seem to have an effect. Because the theme really, really played into Elliot and Taylor's hands and left previous darlings and front-runners Chris and Katherine flapping, a bit.

Like I felt last week, vocally, everyone deserves to be there, or they do on vocals + perfrormance or + charisma, but the style of songs available really shook things up. (Sorry.) Taylor's first perfromance wasn't as bad as Simon said, but it wasn't as great as Rebecca Romjin said either, but it would appeal to his fanbase. I mean the man ruffled a child's head on the results programme and it felt genuine. And - although I thought whoever was guilty of toning down the ending was an idiot - In the Ghetto was really good, and Taylor was back on form. I was going to say that we hadn't seen him in such form for a while, but there was last week's Beatles song too.

He was, for me, completely blown aside by Elliot though. For once, a canny song choice on the first, AI loves these heartfelt these are my dreams songs (which was neatly skewered in American Dreamz, actually) but it never got too cloying because he sang is beautifully, a cut above everyone, reminding us that he probably has the best voice left. And Trouble? The words were ridiculous, because the man looks like a hobgoblin, and yet he sold it. And for once, he looked comfortable on stage, he was enjoying himself, it almost goes without saying that he sang it wonderfully, the band was enjoying it. He was completely outstanding, taking all the opportunities Elvis night offered to be bluesy and soulful and completely turned his position coming in as weakest around.

Tommy Mottola, who was rubbish in the talking to camera intros, was really, deeply skeevy whenever he talked about Katherine, wasn't he? I think I'd have liked Hound Dog and All Shook Up better apart, they didn't work together. I thought that Simon was too harsh when he said it was manic, but she really shouldn't have forgotten the words. She should too have reined in her inner diva for the big ballad, too, because it didn't sound great, and the ending was meant to be a big note, but she didn't have it in her. And yet, I liked her attitude towards the first song. Or maybe I'm still intrigued by last week. For me, she only shines when she's doing sultry; when she's being playful and giggly she gets on my nerves and ditto for the heartfelt ballads, but she's a born performer. I think what made me want her to stay was possibly sexism. Three guys would have been meh. In fact, I thought that Taylor and Elliot were sure to be one of those who went, because they're the most similar.

But no, 'twas Chris. I didn't really mind - I can appreciate that he is good, but his preferred style does nothing for me, and I've found him one-note as a result. This night didn't sit well on him. Suspicious Minds should have worked better than it did. he looked like he was trying to be Bono, and three quarters of 'A little less conversation' was really, really dull. SO, I don't think it was a travesty that he went (has Daniel Powter especially recorded a version of 'Had a bad day' for this show???)

I liked the medley, though there were bits where they were obviously horribly under-rehearsed, but occasionally it clicked - one of them getting to sing out, or the voices souded nice together, which doesn't always happen, because they're all such soloists. I liked Priscilla Presley's hair, meanwhile Ryan's suits are a thing of awe, while his cattiness towards Simon isn't big or clever, although I suppose it sells well in Idaho. Or something.

Meanwhile the very idea of Celebrity X-Factor fills me with gleeful horror. How on earth will the groups work? How long before Louis gets all uptight and angry? Also, how on earth can I look down on peoplw who watch Big Brother 7 when I know I'll be watching this?

Oooh, almost forgot I THINK I THOUGHT I SAW MICHAEL ROSENBAUM IN THE AUDIENCE. Who else would have hair like that? There was no name tag (some of them are delightfully random for me, because they aren't celebs who've travelled. Or they're JEri Ryan holding a banner and it's ridiculous.

american idol, tv, the x-factor

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