DA double drabble: In Good Company. (G)

Apr 30, 2006 21:13

Title: In Good Company
Rating: G.
Show: Dark Angel
Genre: Friendship. Gen.
Characters: Joshua, Alec, Max.
Type: Double drabble.
Summary: Josh's thoughts about living with Alec.

Notes: Set around 'Hello, Goodbye', spoilers for that episode. With thanks to FridayAngel for the beta. (There could only be one icon for this fic!)

Disclaimers: The characters aren't mine, don't sue.

In Good Company: shallowness

Joshua liked having Alec around. It was good to have company that didn't have somewhere else to go. At first, he'd wondered if it would work - Manticore had kept the feline transgenics away from the canines, and everyone away from downstairs people. Joshua was both.

And he knew that, like when he had been sent downstairs, Alec would get to leave. Maybe soon. He belonged outside, like Max, able to blend in when he didn’t want to stand out. So Joshua knew better than to get used to a live-in Alec. But it was good.

They had cleared up the big TV issue - Joshua let Alec watch the news, and Alec encouraged Joshua to create art or meals when he wanted his fix. Sometimes, they watched documentaries, but Alec got bored fast. So he'd switch the TV off, and they'd talk.

Well, Alec talked, about the bright things he saw outside. It was like a book. Joshua remembered what Alec said when he painted.

When he tried to explain this to Max, she looked dubious. But, if she felt that she had to visit Father's house more often, to make sure that Alec wasn't corrupting Joshua, that was good too.

Feedback: Oh yes, please, all sorts welcomed.

fanfiction, da genfic, tv, dark angel

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