
Mar 05, 2006 08:34

First, I've put in a section in my memories where it's possible to look for my fic according to fandom,

Fic - Dark Angel 3 million entries
Fic - Some other fandom 3 entries

as I spent bits of the week using such classifications in other people's memories to find fic. And it was more useful than fortysomething (!!!) entries under the title 'Fics'.

I've also given up the 'not getting spoiled' fig leaf and joined neela_ray as I seem to have been clicking there compulsively for fic for three solid weeks or more. Besides, every season I get spoiled for a big exit or entry on ER (I must have known but forgotten that Leguiziamo and Serena Williams were cast.)

It seems to me that for me Dark Angel is always going to be a fandom that I want to obsess over. There was a low in wanting to read and write as I took my time adjusting to Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester. But I think I've got my bearings with Supernatural, and I'm back to the writing, and I'll be back reading the fic soon, if I have the time. But I usually have other fandoms in which I'm interested - Buffy's a classic dabbling fandom for me - usually one in particular. Working backwards, I've been mad keen on ER (Ray/Neela), Press Gang (DVDs) and before that (winter of 2005) Firefly/Serenity. It's not so severely delinated as that, my fannish activity's a variable hodge podge of reading and/or writing fic, watching source, writing non-fic about source or being involved in discussions. I kept meaning to weigh in on the unfortunate implication, thanks to the terms we use, in fanficcy fannish circles that you must write and read fic to be a fan. But it'd mean sorting my thoughts out.

I'm torn between wanting to be as multifannish as possible - there are so many things I'm interested in, to having very specific needs (I either scuttle away from reading angst because I want fluff, or when I think I am up to it, it's too melodramatic.) As ever, I don't have the time and energy to do everything I'd like, anyway, and prioritisation happens naturally. I am, of necessity, a bit of a magpie.

Right now, I'm watching The OC's second series and I have a bunch of found Ryan/Anna fics to read now that I've posted mine, I'm wondering if the OC in all it's flawed glory is going to be the thing that I'm obsessed with this month. (Except Neela/Ray is still winning hands down on Fic I Want To Read Right Now.)

Oh, nearly forgot, there's always the fandom of meta/metafandom/you know it when you see it - I flickered through the Escapade con reports posted in metafandom a few days back, and some of the discussions seemed really interesting, and applicable to non-slashers. If you haven't had a look, go. (THe Notscapade posts make up another list I have collected to read at some point that is later.)

Also, if you're a Brit and stuck through this ramble - Farscape, The Peacekeeper Wars is airing on Five this Wednesday at 9pm. FINALLY. It's been probably a year since it aired on Sky! I'm not sure whether to watch or not - I am planning to buy the DVD someday, and they're airing it in full, so it'll be a long night. And it's going to be an emotional rollercoaster, ending with me getting off knowing there are no more rides for me (except Scratch and Sniff). We'll see.

Because Sky are showing the Oscars on Sky Movies 1, which we don't have, I won't be watching the Oscars. I'll catch the highlights on Monday - maybe even watch E!'s red caret repeats before and have a faux Oscar watching experience. Apart from seeing Jon Stewart do a decent amount of material (apart from the parochialism, the thing that bugs me about his show is that there's so little content, it's all whooping audience and ads.) The winners themselves are unlikely to be shocking. Of course, the trouble is, I'm never going to be as invested in the Oscars as I was in the third Lord of the Ring year. Also, it should be aired on the Beeb, frankly. All of this is to the good of my sleeping pattern, anyway.

uk, tv, er, reading, meta, farscape, writing

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