Still not entirely well, though getting better. Have spent the day with less attention span than usual, watching bits of DVDs, reading fluffy fic (all I'm capable of and happy with), reading meta (this is where the diminished attention span REALLY comes in) all interspersed with loud anti-social coughs. I've just voted at the Empire awards (they've gone and changed the categories, which meant I had problems of the 'define comedy/thriller/horror' variety. I rarely watch horror and I rarely like out-and-out Hollywood comedies: I laugh more at things that aren't strictly comedies.)
Watched ER last night which I enjoyed
up until the end when James Blunt and his horrid 'You're Beautiful (Let Me Be YOur Stalker)' sounded out over the closing montage. Yeah, thanks for that, ER. But I have listened to the words of that song. And I hate it.
I also didn't like the abrupt confirmation that Susan's gone from Kerry. Thanks for that. She was on the show on and off for a while, and I liked her.
Anyway, the ep and my current state made me go look for Ray/Neela fic - some of the fluff I was talking about - because I do like the combination of up-tight-bossy-clever girl with devil-may-care-eyebrow-lifter. I inadvertently spoiled myself. Oh well, I usually get spoiled for the comings and goings on ER - I must have known in some part of my brain that John Leguiziamo was guest starring, but had forgotten it.
I'm also still thoroughly enjoying Bones, despite the fact that the content should, by rights, be grossing me out, but I love the snarky script, the dynamics, the ust, Bones (despite the overuse of 'I don't understand that' for every popculture reference) and Boreanaz getting to quip.
And look! A
Richard Armitage picspam.