I love telly.

Jan 07, 2006 11:09

Was reminded by naiya_ul's round up of cult tv about to air in the UK, and by this morning's the guide, which is a crucial part of my Saturday, to do this. It's a part pimp, part self-reminder of what's on.

Tonight (Saturday) Gilmore Girls (repeat of last week's ep) 9pm Nickelodeon.

Sunday Gilmore Girls new episode.

Monday NEW! Life on Mars 9pm BBC1 (It means ditching Balderdash and Piffle, but the few gems the show unearthed didn't make up for the vapidity of the set up.)

Smallville - fifth series is airing on E4 at the same time, but there's E4 plus 1 and repeats. (I won't be watching because I've yet to see the fourth series. And that's a sore, sore subject.)

E.R. is on Channel 4 (a repeat of the episode aired on E4 last Thursday. Embarrassingly, I cheered through the credits. Goran Visnjic coming first is a good thing. Cheering at Scott Grimes's inclusion when I mostly hate his character is the embarrassing thing.)

(I didn't realise this, but at 11pm, ITV is/has been airing Numb3rs. So next week I can catch up on the episode that I lost if I want. Also, no new eps on ITV 3. (Huh. So THAT was the finale? Huh.)

Tuesday The O.C.E4 9pm. Season 3! Trash glam, glam trash!!!!! EEEE!!!

Wednesday Lost finale on channel 4. 2 hours. My expectation is - lots more revelations and a cliffhanger, much of which will never be resolved. There had better be shirtless Sawyer and/or ninja polar bears as a trade off. Also, surely this means DH is coming back in its slot.

Thursday ER 9pm E4. Will be watching this rather than the terrestrial time-line.

Bones Sky One 10 pm. which Jim Shelley describes as CSI:Alias (I think he meant it derogatorily, but to me, that's a hook.) This is the new David Boreanaz vehicle (which I think may have been canned.)

So that's my TV done, more or less. Ugh, this divide of which shows I'm watching on digital and which on terrestrial is confusing.

ETA: Veronica Mars is being repeated on Living TV. See details in the link. If you didn't catch it first time round, it's fab.

uk, tv, lost, smallville, gilmore girls, the o.c., er, veronica mars, numb3rs

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