Christmas drabbles:

Dec 19, 2005 07:43

I'm writing! But I'm realising that I'm not writing much that is Christmassy.

In the past, I've written The Sign which was a Seth/Marissa AU futurefic wishkiss (and isn't it a shame wishkisses didn't revive this year? I kept on meaning to ask about it and forgot.)

And I posted Christmas Deliveries a Dark Angel post-FN gen fic in the spring.

To add to that list, I will write a drabble (at least) on one of the following themes:



the New Year

you just tell me which character or pairing I should do it on. So you'd comment with "Charles/Sophy the New Year" (only you wouldn't do that to me because it'd mean me researching Regency new year celebrations.) All previously written characters or pairings (except DA's Logan and The OC's Marissa) or are fair game.

challenge, christmas fic, writing

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