All caught up

Dec 12, 2005 07:49

So I watched The X-Factor semi final, but not the results show, because I had been spoiled and wanted to watch Gilmore Girls and be in bed early. Whenever they refer to the telephone lines, the strapline said the same thing over and over about this being a repeat and the lines were closed. I appreciate how stupid the audience is supposed to be, but it would have been extremely entertaining if they'd had messages 'Don't even think about calling. Wrong time, wrong day'.

Okay, so based on the performances I was WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? Brenda was all round strong. R.E.S.P.E.C.T. was great (if a leetle safe, but given most oft the night's choices, that wouldn't have stood out) apart from the misjudged moment when she grabbed the obviously terrified bloke in the corner. 'Can'l liiiiiiive' started off subdued, and maybe Simon was right about the duff notes, but the emotion and the ending? And really, looking for faults here.

I thought Shayne was maybe better. Not on Louis's stupid song (though thank you Simon for offering some explanation) it was a boring and safe song, but I do like the purity of Shayne's voice when he sings. But 'Unchained Melody' - wow. Really liked that. I can see the potential the judges are talking about, and if he can get the right launch song (and I've disagreed with the judges about what's great for him) I think, results or none, he's sure of some sort of career.

I was less impressed by Andy and Journey South. Part of it was the judges choices - Andy's kids (!!!) the choir (half of which looked as if they weren't sure what was going on) and a Rod Stewart song? The arrangement was far too clever for it's own good for Everything I Do, and though the next song was better, I found myself having a flashback to the glory days of 'Me and Mrs Jones' where Andy was pushing himself out of the smooth crooner box, full of confidence and having a blast.

Meanwhile Journey south - well their voices came across great, and the shy one looked as if he was enjoying himself most of the time. But I will have no truck with a Rod Stewart song. 'Let it be' was one of the cannier choices of song choice, but they sang well, I thought, however, I don''t love the type of song they naturally sing, so I'd have dropped either them or Andy. And their stylists need a bit of a rethink on the clothes chosen.

I presume it was a straight up popularity vote.

Of course, the amusing thing, as the constant 'G4 and Friends' album ads reiterate, is that winning the final is no guarantee of superstahdom.

Gilmore Girls 3-13 'Dear Emily and Richard' I was intending to write something about the funny women of GG - maybe a Christmas project, but although there were laughs (the arm flail/pointing of 'luke is going on a date', the Dean/Jess hissyfight), the main thrust of the ep was admiration for Lorelai, younger and present day. Splendiferous young!Christopher and Lorelai casting. I could believe them growing up into present day Ch and L, in terms of look, and I know the dialogue had a lot to do with it, but Chelsea Brummet had the mannerisms down. And oh, Lorelai, putting Rory first now and mostly managing to hold the resentment at having been let down during her labour in, and the DVD buying and the self-reliance that was there even when she was sixteen. And some of it comes from Emily, but, yeah.

also, I like Jess significantly more when he is playing off Luke. Dean amused me vastly. I still see Rory trying to stand up to Paris/be a vice president dubiously, but, yeah, circling back to Lorelai, I love what she takes fro granted. Really, the next time there's a strong female characters meme, questionnaire comic along, she's going on top of the list.

And Kirk! sitting for four hours at the diner for entertainment!

And the easter bonnet!

And the absurd golf theme decorations!

And Michel's alternative suggestion!

And Sherry's selfish friends and her own way of handling it (though out she to have been dying her hair when pregnant?)

heroines, gilmore girls, tv, the x-factor

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