Jun 02, 2011 21:48

[ Hello, Johto-residents! Check it out, you're getting this cool video feed of a top hat! Ohhhhhh, impressive-- wait a minute, do you know that top hat? Well, who else really wears a brown top hat with a red brim? Who can it be? Quick, five seconds and fifteen picarats if you figure out who this is.


Well, if you guessed Professor Layton, then congratulations! This is fifteen picarats for you, but hey, isn't this an old face? It has been quite the while since the good old Professor has made a post to the network. Well, he has been quite busy and when the camera zooms back out when Grim the Dusknoir takes charge of it, it can easily be seen what he has been busy with; a broken arm and a new location.

He clears his throat. ]

I apologize for disappearing for quite a while since my last entry to the network. As you can see, I have broken my right arm, so it has been quite difficult to do much without it.

[ He's right-handed so he's not very used to doing things with his left hand. You can only see how frustrating it is to try write something or whatnot. ]

But the main point about this video feed is to ask if anyone has also been relocated to another location and having quite the loss of memory for the past few days. I believe it might be connected to the similar incident back in late-November and early-December, but this is only just a theory.

I also do have information concerning about the discoveries that have been made down at the Alph Ruins a month ago. I do apologize for the lateness of this, but if anyone will like to hear on what we have found, I am more than glad to share. The ruins has quite the strange inscriptions over it.

Thank you and do take care, everyone.

[ And the feed shuts down! ]

(( ooc: Yeah, Layton has a broken arm from after the trip to the Ruins from falling into a chamber and landing on it badly. The cast should come off in about two more weeks, so till then, if you're in the area, COME SIGN IT FOOLS-- tags will be slow, sorry about that! ))

action, ic, video, cianwood city

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