PICARATS 011 [VIDEO/ACTION TO GROUP MEMBERS] - backtracked to 1/26

Jan 31, 2011 00:31

[See, life is filled with the unexpected. People never know what they're in for. Life is pretty cruel and sadistic that way. It likes to get people's hopes up then smash them to the ground. Here's some examples:

Luke Skywalker has thought that when he'll kill Darth Vader, he'll avenge his father. Instead, he has found out that Darth Vader is his father. Luke never really has had the same dreams of doing father-son things like playing baseball or being slipped a condom for his prom night after that.

Peter Parker has thought that he will learn some neat neogenic science like the nerd he is. Instead, he has gotten a bite from a spider and later became a webslinging superhero that has gone around New York City in a pair of red tight pajamas. Mary Jane always has felt that he should change his outfit. Peter Parker said no and that was caused a lot of tension after that.

That poor passenger in the airplane of Mega Shark VS Giant Octopus has thought he would be going home to a bachelor party and wedding, filled with an amazing drunk night and being high. Instead, life has thrown a giant flying shark at his airplane and brought it down to the ocean. Needless to say, he never has had the chance to get to that bachelor party but on the bright side, he has gone high...high up in the clouds.

Now, for our dear Professor Layton, he is quite used to dealing with the unexpected. In fact, his life is just filled with them. Every puzzle and crime he has solved, there is always an answer to it and normally something that isn't very obvious-- a complete surprise. There are other ones such as he never has thought that he will suddenly be interested in archeology as a teenager by his dear friend Lando nor has he even thought that he might become a professor. Losing Claire has been rather a very sudden and depressing surprise, and finding out that there were such things as instant tea in the future has completely changed his life.

So, just one more might not be too bad.

He has been walking in Future London with his assistant, Luke, to meet up with the Future Luke of this time at the casino. They have needed to head to the rendezvous and discuss some matters of why they have been called to this timeline and why London has turned into a sad ghost of what it has once been. He has been expecting to make it to the casino without much trouble or running into anyone that might distract him from their destination.

Instead, a certain individual has passed him on the streets. An individual that he cannot forget-- or at least an exact mirror of the person he cannot forget.


Of course, that can't be possible at all. Claire has passed away nearly ten years ago in his time-- twenty years ago in the Future London. To see her or this person that resembles her so greatly is by logic, impossible. Though can he blame himself for wanting to believe that it might actually be Claire?

Maybe she has survived somehow. Perhaps she has had to hide. He has already been beaten black and blue then sent into a coma for a month for trying to figure out what has happened to her. Has that been the reason why she has thought she had to disappear and not tell him that she actually survived?

But that corpse....

The funeral...

All the evidence has been placed against that Claire Folly is alive, but this person that has just walked past him...He cannot help but let his hopes rise up.]


[He yells as he turns around, just praying that it might actually be her. He knows it's not possible, but he just hopes that it is.

Please. Please be Claire. Please let all of that evidence prove him wrong somehow.

Though remember how life doesn't really go as planned? That It likes throwing the unexpected and how the Professor has dealt with many of those before like the moment right now? Well, it seems as if the surprises aren't just over yet.

Of course, when Layton turns around, he has expected to see his beloved Claire to stand right there or to continue walking. That is what he does expect. But instead, he just wakes up--]


[--with this right up to his face.

Oh life, so cruel.

So much for the love of his life's beautiful face to be there to comfort him...Or having no one hear his sudden loud yelp of shock.

Grim the Dusclops being the normal cameraman-- er, cameraPokemon it is, he's just recording all of this through the Pokegear in the little corner of the guardhouse right between the National Park and Route 36! With the cold weather outside, it has been best to stay indoors and with a bored Ghost-type Pokemon, taking video recordings is really the funnest thing ever.

So people who are just watching this feed have just watched the Professor scream ungentlemanly from having a drooling plant up in his face. Of course, who wouldn't after waking up from a month-old coma and instead of turning to see a person, this greets them?

Oh, and for an extra bonus, a little detail that people might be noticed is that the Professor is tied to a bear. Yeah, try getting that image out.

Needless to say that the Professor is not in the most calm state right now. From waking up from London back to Johto, waking up to see that Pokemon, then waking up to see that he's tied to a bear isn't really something he can be calm about. Heck, he can't even touch the floor since the Ursaring is standing up, so he's just dangling there from the bear.

All the Professor can do is just press a hand up to the side of his forehead and let out a silent sigh. Oh dear...]

My Word...what have I waken up to?

[Is this what people call a midlife crisis? Cause it totally feels like one.

Grim just keeps on recording the Professor and then does Layton notice that this is going out to the network. Better straighten his hat and speak properly.]

It appears as if I'm back in Johto. Quite the puzzle as to why. A much bigger puzzle would be as to why I am strapped to a bear.

I do hope that there is a good explanation for this..


I apologize for my sudden-- erm, scream earlier for anyone watching. Waking up with a Pokemon has been quite the surprise and when I find myself no longer in London.

If anyone can explain to me what has happened so far, that will be greatly appreciated. Especially as to my certain predicament. As you can see, this is not how I normally spend my days...

Thank you--

[Oh, and one last surprise to end this feed is a rush of Pokemon just charging at the Professor. Let us list them; a Ninetales, a Noctowl, Growlithe, Kadabra, and a Piplup all just charging at their trainer.]


[Oh this scene, isn't it familiar? Oh yes, yes it is.

Well, the next few seconds that are recorded are very simple. The Pokemon pretty much tackle the good old Professor and with their combined weight, they both knock down Layton and the Ursaring to the ground.


(( OOC: Heading to sleep so I will tag in the morning! ))

route 36, action, ic, video, national park, backtrack

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