Nov 22, 2010 03:58

[It's November 22nd and it's a beautiful day. However, that's not the only thing about today. Today is finally it. It is finally the day that everyone has been waiting for-- or at least just the Professor. Today, November 22nd will be the day that Professor Hershel Layton will challenge his first gym leader and by golly, will he try to win! Or at least go trying!

Climbing the stairs that would lead him to meet with the gym leader, the camera of the Professor's Pokegear records him from what seemed to on the sidelines, not too far from the actual battle field. With how spacious it is in this area, it isn't that hard to hear the small conversation that Falkner and the Professor exchanged after introducing themselves. Their words echoing throughout the gym, most likely shaped in its dome structure for that purpose. Better than to scream out commands for your Pokemon only to lose your voice halfway through.]

A pleasure to meet with you, Mr. Falkner.

Nice to meet you too, Professor. Are you ready?

Yes, of course.

[The Professor ends their small handshake and brings up one hand to tip his hat. He walks over to his side of the field and Falkner to his own. He stops and turns back towards the leader.]

May the better man win.

Oh, I plan to!

[And with a sudden jump backwards, Falkner throws out a Pokeball into the air. In a flash of bright white, a form shapes and turns, and in all its glory, a Noctowl appears.]


Give me your best shot, Prof"! Don't be holding back!

[The Professor chuckles and reaches up to adjust his top hat once again.]

Why yes, of course.

[He reaches for the Pokeball second to the left and fiddles around with it in his hand for a second. With a strong heave, the Professor throws it into the air.]



An hour later
[The video feed starts up once again, but it seems like it is outside the gym now. It stopped recording sometime near the end of the gym battle. Why, that's a mystery and so is where on Earth this new feed is taking place. It does look like it's outside the Violet City gym, but it's kinda hard to tell though. The camera flies around the place, swaying a bit to the right, to the left, then up, then down. It's just everywhere and... what is that annoying flapping sound? It sounds just like a bird's... Well, if you managed to put horrible camera work and that flapping together as one, you'll probably reach the conclusion that the Professor has given his Noctowl to record this video feed. Well...that was a pretty bad idea cause it just can't stay steady for a single second... But at least after a few minutes, the Pokegear is handed over to the Professor's Duskull to take over the job, and he pulls it off a lot better. It actually focused on something for once! Thank Ho-Oh...

The camera records the Professor walking out of the Pokemon Gym. He seems very proud right now, fiddling with his top hat's brim with one hand. In his other hand, he seems to be grasping something. Just what could it be? It will take no Einstein to figure it out, seeing as his previous feed was a battle with Falkner. But nevertheless, 5 picarats to those who can guess what was making this man so proud. Grim the Duskull gives only ten seconds for the watcher to guess as he closes up on what is in the Professor's hand.]

[If you guess "Zephyr Badge", that's correct! The Professor now finally has his very first gym badge and on his first try too! He's pretty proud and happy right now. Just look at that smile he has. It's just as big as when he solves a difficult puzzle, maybe even bigger! You can just feel him radiating, even through that screen. He's almost like a child who just received an A+ on his test and in a way, he did. Only now he's 30 years older and got a badge instead of a mark.

And who is there to share the Professor's glee, but the Pokemon that won the battle for him! Claire the Vulpix dances around his feet, jumping and yipping in what seems to be a cheer. Walter the Noctowl flies around the Professor and then perches on his arm once he holds it out. It flaps its wings as if waving them around and hoots excitingly. Even Grim the gloomy Duskull can't escape the happiness going around for it actually mumbled a few "Skulllllllll" for once.

This whole team is just beaming with joy and it is quite a sight to see!]

It appears as I have managed to win my very first gym leader badge of Johto. Although it was a difficult battle, it was enjoyable overall. My Pokemon here have done a wonderful job in helping me so.

I will have to treat them to a very large meal in celebration, no?

[And all at once, all three of his Pokemon give a giant cry of agreement. Claire the Vulpix dances around his feet once more and Walter flaps his wings even stronger. It's chow time! The Professor just chuckles at their excitement, placing his gym badge into his pocket and holding onto his top hat before it flew away. He can greatly understand how they are feeling.]

If anyone knows what is the best kind of treats for Pokemon are sold in the markets, please do tell for I would like to give them today something as my thanks.

[His Pokemon cry out once again.]

But, ah, this video is not just for my win. I did not record this to brag, but rather to ask if anyone is interested in going on an exposition with me.

This exposition will be done in some ruins just nearby Violet City called the "Alph Ruins". They are only about a day's travel to reach there and they seem to be holding some mystery. As to what they might have, I am not too sure. This will be my first time studying anything of the sort here in Johto.

As some of you may know, I am not only a professor but also an archeologist. I have studied many different things back in London, so to study ruins native of this land will be fascinating. I am only asking if anyone will like to assist me in gathering information about these Alph Ruins.

Perhaps studying these ruins may lead to some clues as to how we arrived here and why. We may even gather enough information as to how to find a way home, if that is what some may wish.

My expedition will only last for about a week to two weeks, depending as to how large it may be. Anyone is free to follow along if they wish so. It will be a great pleasure to have someone to work with. However, I am afraid I cannot provide any food during our trip. I will only be able to serve tea there. I do hope that you may understand.

For those who are not located around in Violet City but would still like to know or help, I will be giving a report on whatever we may discover.

I will keep down a list of those who will be coming and give an update as to when we will be leaving.

Thank you very kindly for listening and I do hope I interested someone.

[And the Professor tips his hat before the feed ends.]

(( OOC: But yeah! This is it, guys! The Professor is finally going to head down to Alph Ruins to study it, but he's asking for anyone that want to help him solve it! There's some stuff down there in the ruins such as moon stones, berries, mystic water, all that jazz. There are four chambers in the ruins for the characters to discover and figure out what the meanings are on the walls. Permission granted from the mods for what they can discover and what items they can find~  Oh, and Layton got a badge too. Yaaaaaay~ \o\ ...and sorry about the tl;dr and lack of gym battle action or something s-sob))

*tyrell badd, *merlin, *naoto shirogane, *miles edgeworth, *ciel phantomhive, *smoker, *phoenix wright, violet city, *dimitri allen, *flora reinhold, ic, video, *luke triton, exposition-a-go!, *france, *chrome dokuro, gym battle, *sonic the hedgehog, *shelly de killer, *apollo justice, action, *claire folly, *tavros nitram, *eleventh doctor

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