[Somewhere on Route 30, there are sudden and loud sounds of twigs snapping and stones hitting one another. Panting could be heard and also loud, thunderous steps of someone in a panic. For those who decide to inspect the source of all this noise, they will happen to come across...the Professor?
The man ran around in circles in his area, frantically looking up and down, left and right. Sweat dripped down from his brow, but was it only from all that running?
For someone watching from the network, everything is from a ground view, but it isn't that hard to tell what's going on. Could the Professor's Pokegear been dropped to the floor and accidentally turned on? But what is going on? And what is with all that fog?]
[He suddenly dropped and got on his knees on the cold hard ground. No sooner, he was literally tearing everything away from his sight on the floor. He tossed aside every little piece of stone and twig in his area. This was the place he had his campfire last night, but now it was reduced to nothing but a bare dirt pile with ashes.
Gone was his proper attire and usual calm demeanor. His
alternative outfit was wrinkled, dirtied, and was starting to tear from the way he dropped on his knees and ripped through anything that got in the way; glass, pop cans, scrap metal, and just everything. It was a miracle that his hat was still on, though barely. It hung low at an angle. The man looked almost nothing like the proper person he did the previous day.
Gone was his kind smiles and the faces he would make while thinking. What replaced it was fear. Fear as if he never felt before. It shook his whole body and he was on the verge of crying. Tears was pooling up and began to sting his eyes.
Whatever this nightmare he was experiencing, it was one hell of a bad one for him to be shaken up this badly. To make him act so unusual. And...who is this Claire?
The Professor got back up and ran ahead a few steps. He once again frantically looked around.]
[He pushed aside a large log in his way and began to tear apart another pile of dead twigs that someone or something once used as a campfire. He threw them all away and began to dig into the hard soil of the Earth, his once smooth fingers becoming rough and filled with cuts.
He didn't care. They could take his hands away if they wanted to. He needed to find her. He needed to find Claire. She was calling out his name and she--! She was--!
The Professor stopped digging after a minute. He got up and ran to another area a few steps away only to repeat the process; kept digging until he he couldn't go deeper, then move on.
By his fifth spot, he stayed there on his knees and dug deeper than ever. This was the longest he stayed in one location. This had to be it! This had to be where she was! He'll get her out of all these beams, tiles, lamps, just all this rubble that seemed to come out of nowhere, and they'll go back to their normal days of going out to dinner and exchanging gifts. They'll go back to their normals days of speaking of their future plans and small talk. They'll go back to their normal days of where they'll discuss the new puzzles he heard about and how his mentor, Andrew, was doing. They'll go back to all of that...
So he just keeps on digging...
...and digging...
...and digging... ]
(( OOC: It might be hard to figure out what's going on right now. To put it shortly, everything the Professor is seeing right now is destroyed buildings everywhere. A person named Claire is in these destroyed buildings...yeah...Not really spoilers other than who this Claire person may be. Not that big anyhow. ))