June 2007

Jul 01, 2007 23:26

Harry's posts at the start of game: June 2007 (to be updated as we go and re-posted at the end of the month)

June 21, 2007: Harry finds himself bored in his new post at the castle [complete] and unpacks after dinner. Soon though, he's missing old friends and sends out quite the assortment of owls before crashing (only to be woken shortly after - and quite rudely - by Hermione's letters).

June 22, 2007: Harry and Hermione meet up [complete] for catching up at the Three Broomsticks, and some good old fashion flirting fun and serious drinking occurs. The two end up back at Harry's quarters at Hogwarts for sleep.

June 23, 2007: Harry gets a letter from Blaise and the two decide [complete] to meet for dinner Monday to catch up (dinner was at Three Broomsticks as well). He also recieves an invitation [complete] for brunch with Lupin at the elder Professor's quarters the following day. That evening, Harry has a whole bunch of the old Gryffs up to the Great Hall for dinner and a reunion [complete] of sorts. So... Hermione gets jealous of Parvati and Parvati flirts with Harry; Wood and Alicia take off for some Teh Hotness in the Gryff common room; business deals are made between Charlie, Neville, Katie, and Jack; and there is all around too much alcohol to be had.

June 24, 2007: Harry and Lupin meet up for some brunch [complete] and some catching up.

June 26, 2007: Harry sends a letter to Blaise asking about their missed dinner, and one to Hermione because, frankly, he can't sleep [complete] and it's all her fault. Harry then decides that he's had enough of this in true Harry Potter Stupid Gryffindor To His Death fashion, goes blazing into her office [complete] to tell her as much.

June 28, 2007: Harry and Blaise finally meet for dinner at the Three Broomsticks [comlpete] to catch up - Blaise has some ideas about the upcoming Tournament and wants to see Harry's reaction.

June 30, 2007: At their old flat in London, Harry cooks Hermione dinner [complete] and the two attempt to talk things over - they don't really get much sorted out, but Harry's got a good feeling about it by the end of the night, something about having his arms wrapped around her that makes everything seem all right.

2007, recap, 2007 06

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