Aug 11, 2006 13:02
So I attempted to make some icons yesterday, because it's been a long time since I made an icon post, but it seems that I am seriously lacking in inspiration. It tends to go back and forth between writing and Photoshop. It seems it can never be both. Grr.
I don't know. Everything I made yesterday turned to crap.
Anyway, since writing is going well, I decided to have a request session for art.
You can request anything having to do with Grey's Anatomy, Roswell, HP, or song lyrics (<--icons). (Not ready to do House fanart yet, so it's not on the list.)
It can be a wallpaper (1024x768, 800x600, or 640x480), a custom sized banner (like 500x300, 600x450, etc), or an icon (100x100, may request up to 5 icons). If you have specific pictures you want in it, link me, but please make sure they're of the highest quality you can find and if from another person's site or photobucket, upload to your own server. Request in a comment , please, using the form (you do not have give a description or theme/quote, of course).
Request Form:
LJ Username:
Characters/Pairings You Want on Art:
Theme(s) and/or Quote(s):
Wallpaper, Custom, or Icons:
Description (like colors, etc):
harry potter,
grey's anatomy