a belated post

Dec 30, 2004 22:47

yes, must get some sort of regularity with my LJ.....but truth is i didn't know how to update my journal...*feel free to hit me over the head*, until kind good michelle showed me how...

congratulations to everyone on their fantastic achievements in the HSC.....i used my HSC to make as much money as possible off my parents...*a $100 for each time my name was in the paper*, ammounting to $300 in a few seconds of receiving the paper....that's a better rate than a prostitute...[yes i'm in a weird mood]....

speaking of prostitutes i work next to a brothel.....not AT the brothel, but its sorta funny, when you see all these ppl trying to look as inconspicuous as possible along freaking Victoria Road, and they suddenly stop at the end of the row of shops [which is the small red-light area of west ryde], and then do an about-turn...very funny...i always try to hide my little grin....

my manager pissed me off at work the other day, cos he said ppl should 'get over the tsunami"...i don't know how easy it is for him to get over such a human tragedy...but apparently very easy...then again he's such a homophobic , rascist, sexist pig.....he like checks out every single chick that walks in west -ryde and bitches about fat ppl all day long...funny thing is his wife is fat...

the other day he was going on about a chick minding her own business as she crossed the street, saying that she was fat..and then later said that 'she looks like my wife, maybe a bit smaller'...and then i pounced :)..i asked 'would you defend your wife's right to walk down the street without being commennted about in such a morally degrading, insulting and lewd way'....

i said some other wonderful stuff..very cutting...but i've forgotten it...but i shot him down bad...actually no..as ritik would say i PUT him DOWN bad

long long rant....*will get over it soon*

i think i'm sensitive to the whole tsunami thing, cos it could have very easily been me, since i go to lanka every year this time, and always spend my time around all the gloriously beautiful beaches that were hit...srsly i spend most of my holiday on the beach....and the only reason which stopped my this year, was the fact that uni stuff was due, otherwise i would've been there.

also very lucky thing was that my aunt [who is a bank manager], and her bank is actually ON THE beach, was at home that day because it was a christmas holiday...otherwise she would've been at work...which is just freaking me out...

and my cousin, [my favourite cousin too] was at uni at one of the places hit, and my uncle, as soon as they found out, took the van and drove inland [cos our house is on the beach too, and was hence flooded as well] and drove inland for ages, and then went south again and drove through all the back streets to rescue his daughter....which i thought was very very nice....

one final comment on the tsunami thing...don't ppl get it, sending clothes isn't very helpful since it is extremely expensive, and hence not economically worth it, and in order to make 'your dollar go further' [i swear i've heard that on an ad somewhere], you should, like the Australian Red Cross and care australia, collect MONEY NOT CLOTHES, and then purchase clothes locally...less wastage all-round...but in general the curry community is not very logical and smart, so i will be trying to change spots on leopards...dammnit ppl shoudl learn a thing or two about what they're doing before jumping head-first and announcing to the world all the good they are doing.....idiots....give money not clothes...and a sidenote: no one's gonna give you idiots money if you're not a registered organisation [hence no tax deduction], and if you don't show a identification...they, like i would, think you are con-men....but its your problem, not mine, i'll give my money where i know it will be used to HELP PEOPLE, not fund TRANSPORT COSTS FOR A PILE OF OLD CLOTHES..yes...we always give used clothes.....[apparently old things are good enough for the poor], yay! used underwear...*cringe*

and i am so joining medicins san frontiers once i get my shitty degree from unsw [hopefully if i study from outside textbooks, i can lessen the damage that such a crappy course would do to my intelligence], and get my masters of public health degree, do a bit of volunteering, and then become director of WHO....simple really

side-note: yes, i know you all know how much i vehemently detest crappy UNSW, but i am forced to go there [if i get an offer], becasue i did not get 100 UAI for sydney uni, and 'a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush', and gamsat looks hard [even though i've heard that it is a cinch], and yes if i choose my current path, i will be throwing away my talented students program, my $5000 scholarship, good sport facililites [they have won the eastern uni games in softabll like every year...and they have 2 softball teams and THIRTY TWO HOCKEY TEAMS], and a pretty uni, and lovely lecturers all at university of sydney... for a crappy degree at unsw [i've talked to ppl that work in health management, and they plainly say unsw graduates are crap, newcastle [which i didn't apply for], and sydney are the best], in a degree factory [which my dad doesn't want me to go to, but mum is dominatrix in our house, so he follows her], and crappy clubs [go asian pride clubs! yay!] crappy sport, and no scholarship, plus its in the middle of nowhere and as one uni student pointed out 'looks like buildings put into little paddocks]....ann their science is shit too...so my honours degree....*very worried about it*

i have more to say, but this is enough for the moment
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