…You are joining a story already in progress… Here's a breif synopsis of what you have missed:
A boy moved to Florida from Michigan. With hopes and dreams, and he attended a school to achieve those things. But the school had other things in mind for the boy. so it set him on an obstacle course from which he could not succeed, all the while throwing new things in his way. It took him a long, long time, but towards the end things were looking up. He had triumphed over the many fire pits, shark infested pools, jumps over hundreds of school busses on nothing more than a Vespa, and robotic piranha’s with lasers on their foreheads. He was winning the battle. But the school had to have the last word. Instead of letting him win... in the last few feet of the race... It dropped the track out from under him. He was like a fish learning to swim without water. The school expelled him
for a reason that was not part of his contract, and a reason that was beyond his control, and rather in the control of the evil beast posing as a school. With his hopes and dreams dashed, he got a job at a video store for a while, and wallowed in mild depression. And the only place in the area that could offer him a job in his field was the evil school, but in order for him to obtain said job he would need the very thing he was denied by that school. A small piece of paper denoting his worth. Thus the irony.
But now, he has things back on track he is doing
Art Again, and he is engaged to the
love of his life. He is DJing on a regular basis, At a
clubnight and has a
radio show, and is working on finishing a novel (The first chapter in a 2 part trilogy). He also has some of the best friends any one could ever ask for. He is approaching happiness quickly...
Inside you will find a record of the events that continue to unfold in his unfinished story. What sort of an ending will it have? Will it be happy and produce laughter? or will it be tragic and induce rainfall? Or perhaps just sad, producing tears. But to arrive at this end, you must first participate....
This Journal will Expire on the date of this post, And the story will move to a new location.
11:22:10 Make a note of it.