Results: John Grant Icon Challenge

Nov 29, 2004 17:30

Because we had so many entries, I'm doing a Mod's Choice. :) But remember, I'll only do this when there's more than five entries per contest, so it's in your best interests to enter when you can!!! :)

First Place

by crystal_lily

Second Place

by artemis1701

Third Place

by kajivar

Mod's Choice

by carha

Congrats to all the winners and everyone who entered! It was a great contest (though we could've used more voters *narrows eyes*)!!!!

I've also received a comment that some people feel the voting breakdown isn't neccessary, so unless you feel adamant about keeping it in the results post, just comment if you're curious how it all played out, and I'll respond (you don't have to have entered to see the breakdown).

Also, crystal_lily, since you've supplied a number of contests, I'm going to take this time to start integrating mod-chosen challenges and member-chosen challenges. Sound good? :)

And for those of you who want to enter the next contest, you can do so here:

icon challenge 2004, contest results

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