Icon Nominations:

Aug 17, 2004 20:39

Now that there's comms accepting nominations in lesser-known fandoms like Profiler, I will be pulling icons from our little comm to nominate in them. When I do this, I'll probably put up a post here to let the icon makers know, and give them a link to the post. If this is something that you DON'T want me to do, just let me know and I'll take them down. Thanks!!

Nominated at _multiconawards:

mystic9429 for "Do a Little Dance" (Best Animated Icon)
crystal_lily for "Silence" (Best Textless Icon) (I also nommed one of your X-Files ones in there as well!)

You can see the specific nominations here: http://www.livejournal.com/community/_multiconawards/33318.html?mode=reply

Please support each other, and nominate stuff over there! It's not just for Profiler, and it looks to be lots of fun!


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