The (first official) Profiler holiday stocking-stuffer post

Nov 24, 2013 01:11

The (first official) Profiler_Fans Holiday Stocking-Stuffer Post

Happy holidays, fellow Profiler fans!

m_ravensblood and I were discussing ways to liven up the comm for the holidays and encourage participation in our tiny little corner of fandom. For those of you who are interested in writing fic, be sure to head on over to the sign-up post for the Secret Santa exchange.

For those of you who'd still like to participate in some Profiler-flavored fandomy things without the commitment involved in a formal fic exchange, we decided to take a page from fandom-stocking and create a place for you to post your wish-lists. Anything goes here, including requests for fic, icons, mixes, wallpapers, or whatever you can come up with. Please feel free to either post your lists directly here, or post a link to your own journal or your fandom-stocking entry - that way other Profiler-minded people can find your stocking and fill your requests!

Questions? Suggestions? Please post them here or message me over at empty_marrow.
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