Fanfic: A place to belong

Aug 02, 2012 08:43

Title: A place to belong
Author: Amanda
Rating: PG- 13
Characters: Frances Malone
Summary: Frances rebelled partially because she never felt like she belonged when she was living with her mother, or her father. Now, while she has a couple years left of college left, she wants to try to move off campus to find a place where she belongs.
Notes: For the Sizzling Summer challenge, prompt Hammock.

Frances was a little nervous about renting her first place off campus. Though, both of her parents had offered her money, she had wanted to do it on her own.

She had a job part time doing data entry work between classes. It was a tight budget, but she hoped it could get her something cozy.

Frances checked out a couple ads in the newspaper. None of the houses she looked made her feel at home. She wasn’t sure what it was supposed to feel like but she didn’t get the sense of belonging. She had a week before she would have to sign the papers if she wanted to remain in the dorms. If she had to spend another year in the dorms, she would, but she thought it might be nice to have a quiet environment where she could study. There were a lot more parties than she liked in the dorms.

Her father had tried not to laugh when she said the parties were distracting. She still felt like a bit of a wild child, but the life of drugs and rock n’roll were behind her. (Okay, not necessarily the rock n’roll, but she was determined to do something good with her life. When she was breaking the law, she had felt so lost. She wanted the sense of belonging.)

Frances decided to see one more place, and then if the place didn’t feel right, she would try the dorm for one more year. She could always then try to save up money from her part time job.

The place was a bit small, there was only really 4 rooms. She wasn’t sure if she liked it. It was furnished though, so she wouldn’t have to go out and buy furniture.

The owner showing her the place had to take a phone call, so she walked outside. She intended to look at the backyard. It didn’t look very big, but it would be a nice place to grab a quick smoke.

As she opened the doors, she realized the backyard was a lot bigger than it seemed. In one corner of the yard, there was an almost brand new hammock. It seemed the like the perfect spot. Two big trees provided shade for the hammock, and several bushes of beautiful flowers grew along the fence nearby.

The owner stepped outside. “So, what do you think?”

“If I take it, would the hammock come with it?” Frances hoped it didn’t sound like a weird question.

“Yes, and no… If the tenant is willing to keep up on the yard work, then I don’t mind keeping the hammock. But if you aren’t much into yard work, I will bring it to my house.”

“I can keep up the yard work.” Frances gave him a smile. It actually sounded like a good deal, and though the yard was big there wasn’t much to be done. She had always liked to work in the yard sometimes, pulling weeds was sometimes a surprisingly good way to relieve stress.

The owner smiled. “Good. I have a few papers if you want to look over and sign.”

A few days later, she had moved the small amount of belongings she owned into the house. She had worked some hours on her job, and did some yard work. Now, she was lying in the hammock reading the book.

A butterfly landed on her collarbone, and it felt like it was leaving small kisses as it walked down her collarbone for a bit, before flying off to the flower bushes nearby.

Frances felt herself smiling in a way she hadn’t in a long time. She finally felt like this was where she belonged.

frannie, fanfic, serialbathera

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