Secret Santa Gift for kosmickway - Fic

Dec 24, 2010 18:07

Title: Atlanta Entanglement
Author: M. Elizabeth Ravensblood
Rating: NC-17, Sexuality
Pairing: Grace/Bailey, Grace/Rossi, Rossi/Grace/Bailey
Summary: Grace and Bailey had a love affair that started during the Donald Lucas trial that eventually fell apart along with the VCTF itself. Now living in DC, she works for the BAU and has fallen in love with Agent David Rossi. But when a case puts her back in the path of her old love, will still waters still run deep or will a visit to her past send her rushing into Rossi's arms? Torn between them, she finds herself spending one very hot evening with two of the FBI's finest and finding where her heart lies.
Author's Notes: For kosmickway for Secret Santa 2010. Hope you'll enjoy this Criminal Minds crossover fic with two of your favorite leading men.

Grace kept her focus on Rossi as he and Aaron Hotchner delivered the BAU's profile to the Atlanta P.D. and didn't allow her gaze to stray to Bailey Malone, although she was keenly aware of his presence. From the moment she found out the team was going to Atlanta, she'd known it was likely she'd run into him. It had been a year since she'd left Atlanta and walked out on Bailey. Throughout the flight from DC, she had been plagued with thoughts of her former boss and lover. She still felt guilty about leaving him at on of the low points of his career, but he'd mad it impossible for her to stay.

Shortly before the Donald Lucas trial, Grace discovered Morgan was cheating on her with his secretary. Although she was furious he'd been lying to her, it didn't hurt the way she would have expected it to. She felt wistful as he packed his bags and left, but not the deep sadness she had imagined she would feel seeing her childhood sweetheart leave. One evening while she was out with George toasting her newfound freedom, Grace came to the realization that while it was bittersweet to say goodbye to that chapter of her life, that her heart hadn't been in the marriage for quite a while.

She cared about her former husband, but it had been more about companionship for the last several years. It would be tempting to blame it on her job or the trauma of Jack's attempt on Morgan's life. However, the simple truth was they had both grown up and grown apart. Single for the first time in almost two decades, she felt free. There were a number of men Grace had been attracted to over the years but she'd never acted on her desires. She'd been committed to her marriage, or at least had wanted to be. Of all the men who'd caught her attention over the years, there was one who stood out. Bailey Malone.

Almost from the first moment they'd crossed paths at Atlanta P.D., she'd felt drawn to him. Sometimes she would try to put her finger on what it was about him. He was handsome but then she worked with lots of handsome men. Half the women at the police department were panting after John Grant. No, it was something more. From the very start, she'd been attracted to the man himself. His smile, his dry sense of humor, and the relentless determination he displayed on cases. The attraction had been almost overwhelming at times, especially when he would look at her a little too long and she would catch a look of lust in his eyes. She'd always kept herself at a professional distance and he'd always treated her with respect.

On the eve of the Donald Lucas trial, Grace was on her way home when she saw the light on in Bailey's office. He'd stayed late working on notes for his testimony. Bailey invited her in for a drink. She joined him and one drink quickly lead to another. Although she wasn't exactly drunk, the hum of liquid courage in her veins made her feel bold. She locked the office door, walked behind Bailey's desk and straddled him. He was shocked as she kissed him, but after a moment's hesitation met her kiss and pulled her hard against him. That night they ended up having sex on nearly every surface in Bailey's office until they'd collapsed from exhaustion on his couch.

During the course of the trial they secretly spent each night together. Neither spoke of love but there was an undeniable connection between them. Things got a bit rough when Sam was kidnapped and it turned out that Donald Lucas wasn't Jack. But they got through and continued dating after Sam's return. After years of cat and mouse, they had finally identified Jack. The justice department, although anxious to put the real Jack behind bars wanted to keep the matter out of the press. So Jack's passport was confiscated and he was forbidden to leave the country as they prepared to take his case before a closed grand jury. The public would be kept in the dark until the actual trial and a connection between Jack and Lucas could be irrefutably proven.

For six months Grace and Bailey dated quietly. The relationship wasn't exactly a secret but neither wanted to discuss it with their coworkers. Time and again Grace wanted to tell Bailey she loved him. However, as much as she cared about him, Sam's presence and his unresolved feelings for her made it impossible to open herself to him completely. It was a period of pleasant but uneasy calm as the special prosecutor prepared to bring Jack to justice.

But in the end, the justice department was unable to bring Jack to trial, much less prosecute him, as the billionaire sociopath's legal team got every piece of evidence in the Trades case thrown out. Less than 48 hours later, IA invaded the VCTF and launched a hostile investigation. Bailey's distinguished career had gone down in flames as a result. He'd allowed Sam full access to the evidence over the years and her involvement in the case was what ultimately lead to the all the evidence being inadmissable.

The truth was covered up and the FBI had allowed the public to continue in the false belief that Donald Lucas was responsible for the killings. After the Waco disaster, Washington was only too happy to sweep the matter under the rug. But there were still consequences. Their team was dismantled and scattered to the winds. John, George and Grace had fared best in the wake of the scandal. While George had gone into the private sector and had a lucrative and powerful position at a software company in California, she and John remained in law enforcement. He took a position with the Seattle office as a field agent and had distinguished himself quickly and since risen to being a team leader. Grace had gone back to her former position as a medical examiner for Atlanta P.D. to be near Bailey as he saw his team separated and was regulated to a desk job in the white collar division.

Bailey would have been thrown out of the FBI altogether if it hadn't been for his connections and many years of distinguished service. It was hard seeing the VCTF destroyed and to see her lover stripped of his position, but Grace still loved him. She would have stood by his side if he swept floors for a living. But in the end, Bailey made it impossible for her to stay. He blamed Jack and the justice department for his fall from grace, but insisted that Sam had done nothing wrong and defended his decision to keep her on the Trades case.

If he had merely been loyal to his friend and honestly believed what he was saying, Grace might not have agreed with him but she would have respected his choices. However, she knew it was something more and it put a strain on their relationship as she struggled not to tell him exactly what she thought of Sam. Her intentions may not have been vicious, but even a rookie agent should have known better than to stay involved in the case once it got personal. Over the years more than one person had pointed this out to Bailey to no avail as he insisted Sam be allowed to continue on the case. It infuriated Grace that Bailey was so blind to Sam's faults that he'd ruined the career he loved. And for what? For a woman who walked out of his life without so much as a goodbye.

Sam resigned when the Trades case fell apart and disappeared from Atlanta soon after. Given her role in the case's failure it was the only honorable thing she could have done. But Bailey hadn't been able to accept her departure and had insisted on trying to find her. At first Grace tried to be understanding but as the weeks went on she began to get angry as Bailey would call Angel each evening to see if she had word about Sam and would call George each weekend to see if he'd found any trace of her online. The worst part was when he would come to her with a worried expression and ask if she thought Sam was okay and express concern about Jack harming her. It took every ounce of strength she had not to give him an appropriate response and not snap at him.

After several long weeks in limbo as they got used to the changes in their professional lives and Bailey persisted in his search, things finally imploded on Sunday morning. They were having coffee in bed and reading the Sunday papers as had become their weekly tradition, when Bailey jumped out of bed and began to splutter furiously. A torrent of almost incomprehensible profanity was still pouring out of him as Grace took the paper from him and read what had him in such an uproar.

Smiling up from the page was a large picture of Sam and the man they had hunted for so long and a headline about the billionaire bachelor being off the market. Grace was only mildly surprised to see it. The men of the VCTF may have been taken in by Sam, but something had never quite seemed right about her former colleague. Although she would act distressed on occasion, she registered more fascination than horror at the mangled messes Jack created. Having performed the autopsies on many of his victims, Grace was all to aware of his grim nature. Sam had walked a fine line for many years with the serial killer in her mind, that it held little shock her admiration of his dark genius had turned into something more. It was a slap in the face and Grace had no doubt the rest of the team would be pretty upset by Sam's betrayal and the potentially dangerous implications it could bring. But Bailey didn't see it that way.

"That bastard!" Bailey yelled, angrily snatching the paper from Grace and shaking his head at it. "We've got to do something."

"Do something?"

"We have to save her!"

"Save her," Grace echoed in disbelief.

"Don't you see, this was just the opportunity that son of a bitch has been waiting for. He waited until Sam was alone and then-"

"Then what!? Threatened her and forced her to agree to marry him? Get real Bailey." Did he really think Sam was some poor innocent victim? Grace had known Bailey was blindly loyal, but this was ridiculous! He should be disgusted with the blonde bitch, not defending her! Was he really so deluded when it came to Sam?

"You can't think that Sam wanted this. We need to get a team together. Maybe John can-"

"Can what, Bailey? Can throw his career away like you did?! Give up years of hard work he put into getting where he is today in order to pull that bitch out of the bed that she is clearly happy to be lying in?!"

He frowned and put the paper aside. "Grace, Sam's our friend. We have to help her. I don't know what's wrong with you, but-"

"What's wrong with me?" she cut him off. "What's wrong with me? There's nothing wrong with me. Actually, I take that back. There is something most definitely wrong with me. Obviously, I was crazy to think if I stuck it out that one day you would wake up and realize that I'm the one who loves you. Not Sam."


"I'm not fucking finished," she spat furiously. "I knew you had feelings for her. Hell, I watched you make a fool of yourself over her for years. You put your career and the lives of the team in jeopardy time and again because you wanted to protect her and I've never said a word. For months now, you've been moping, not over losing the career you loved, but over her. I'm tired of being a body you fuck and a person you never really see. I'm done being your doormat."

Grace stormed out of the bedroom and Bailey called after her as he followed. Shaking with adrenaline, she pulled on her coat and shoved her feet in her shoes. As she grabbed her purse, she was dimly aware he was trying to talk to her, but she'd reached her breaking point and didn't hear a word. Walking to the door she said, "Enough is enough, Malone. Goodbye."

Slamming the door behind, her, Grace left Bailey. She didn't answer his calls in the days that followed. Grace dashed off a quick e-mail to George that she was okay but that she didn't feel like talking. Bent on escaping Atlanta for a while, she called her friend Emily whom she'd met at Quantico while running the yellow brick road last year.
Emily Prentiss was an FBI agent who worked for the BAU in Washington. She'd been urging Grace to visit during their increasingly frequent phone calls. When she ended things with Bailey it seemed like the perfect time to take Emily up on her offer.

Originally Grace had intended to stay for a week. But while Emily was showing Grace around the BAU and introducing her to her team, an urgent case came in from a remote area of Oregon that didn't have a medical examiner. Lives were at stake and the Oregon state M.E.'s office said it would be nearly a week before they could send someone, so she'd volunteered to help out. The case wasn't an easy one, the victims were all children roughly seven years old and it made Grace think of Jason who was safely back in Atlanta with Morgan. But it was worth it to save even one child and working with the BAU was an eye opening experience.

Aaron Hotchner and David Rossi provided the team with strong leadership, but worked very closely with all the members of the team. It wasn't like the VCTF where an idea was largely ignored unless it came from Sam. From her friend Emily to the brilliant and socially awkward young Dr. Reid to Derrick Morgan who reminded her slightly of John Grant, each member of the team was treated with respect and their participation encouraged. Even Penelope Garcia, their tech expert who worked from their DC office contributed via phone and video and was clearly close to the entire team. It wasn't about one person like the VCTF or the boys club that many other divisions of the FBI seemed to tacitly permit. Everyone was professional but they were clearly a family and they made space for Grace as if she'd always belonged there.

When the case was over and the two supervisory agents asked her if she'd like to stay, Grace said yes without hesitation. As much as ending things with Bailey had hurt, for the first time in years, she felt optimistic. Bailey was still very much in her heart, but seeing the contrast between the BAU and the VCTF was a wake up call. Morgan had been slightly upset that his visitation with their son would be limited but ultimately he wished her the best and agreed to Jason spending his summers with him and Grace having him the rest of the year.

Over the next few months, Grace bought a pretty rowhouse and found a nanny who could be there for Jason when she couldn't. Although she still thought about Bailey almost every day, but she knew she'd made the right choice leaving him and Atlanta behind. She knew he loved her, but she deserved more than playing second fiddle to his delusions about Sam. For years she'd stood in the wings at the VCTF watching Bailey fawn over Sam in the spotlight. Now she was part of a team where everyone had their moments in the spotlight and took their turns in supporting roles. There was a true sense of team work and camaraderie that had never been present in Atlanta.

As she settled into her new life, Grace was surprised and flattered when David Rossi asked her out on a date. He told her he wanted to take things slowly because they'd both been married before and he didn't want to jeopardize their working relationship. It was a strange contrast to her relationship with Bailey. They would go out to dinner and kiss like teenagers late into the night. Although she was very attracted to the handsome profiler, she allowed him to set the slow pace of their courtship. For over two months they shared books, kisses and confidences, sexual tension building up without relief until one night when he cooked dinner for her at his place. Dinner ended up getting quite cold as they spent most of the night devouring each other.

David Rossi was similar to Bailey Malone in that they both had dark good looks and were brilliant profilers. But unlike her former lover, she never felt like a second choice or an also ran when she was with him. They had ups and downs but Grace never felt like she couldn't be honest with him about her feelings. Whereas Bailey had often been distant or ignored her in his obsession with Sam, David was very up-front with her.

"This isn't easy for me to say," he'd told her a week after they'd started sleeping together. "I think I'm falling in love with you, Grace. I'm a little scared about this, because my track record isn't the greatest and it's going to be a long time, probably a year or two before I am going to be able to make a formal commitment. But I think this could be forever, if you can be patient with me and about taking it slow."

No ghost of Sam looming over the relationship or expectation that she should know how he felt without him saying. Rossi gave her an open and honest declaration of his feelings, where he saw things going, and how long it would take to get there. Grace told him she felt the same way and was willing to wait until things were right for both of them. Personally and professionally, he made her feel special and she liked the way he treated her.

Now faced with Bailey, Grace felt uneasy. She loved David Rossi without question and could see a future with him. But seeing Bailey once more stirred up the feelings that had been lurking beneath the surface. He had taken her for granted and she wasn't about to forget it, nor the brilliant man who'd become a part of her heart and her life since leaving Atlanta. However, she was anxious to get away from Atlanta once more and put as much distance between her and Bailey Malone as possible.

Due to many of the local agents working security detail for an international trade conference the city was hosting, he'd been assigned the duty of working as the liaison between the BAU and local law enforcement. It would be impossible to avoid contact with him altogether, but Grace did her best to avoid being near him as much as possible and tried to stay close to Reid and Emily in an effort to discourage him from talking to her. Although she knew he would probably want to talk sometime before she left, she wanted to delay it for as long as possible while she tried to figure out what to say.

Last year she would have wanted to have some sort of devastating and cutting comment that would hurt him and leave him thinking about her for days. But that was before she and Rossi got involved and she was able to let go of some of her hurt. It still bothered her the way Bailey had been so blinded by Sam and had often hurt her with his obsession with their former colleague. However, she had allowed him to get away with it not only during their romantic relationship but even during their professional relationship, she could see that now. Bailey was a good agent, but as a leader he'd been too caught up in Sam's situation. While she missed the old team, working at the BAU made her aware of how dysfunctional the VCTF's dynamic often had been.

Pointing that out to Bailey seemed like a hollow victory and she didn't want to discuss where their relationship had fallen apart either. Bailey was primarily at fault and she was at fault for tolerating his taking her for granted. Her life was in DC now, not Atlanta. And while it wasn't worth revisiting the hurt, she also couldn't imagine quietly listening to her former lover prattle on about Sam either. Grace had found her voice in the BAU and wasn't sure she could stifle it.

Throughout the day she was aware of Bailey watching her. Even without looking, she felt his presence, like a long forgotten melody whispering at her ear. Grace successfully evaded him throughout the day and eagerly sought the refuge of her hotel room. She drew a bath and immersed herself in the fragrant bubbles willing thoughts of Bailey Malone to go away. It would be a while before David could join her and help banish the ghost of her past lover. The case had been pressing and he'd only been able to spare her a brief moment earlier, but he'd kissed her in an out of the way office and promised they would talk over dinner in her room. After her bath, room service and Rossi would put her to rights once more.

Grace lingered in the water long after her fingers began to prune. Periodically letting a bit of water out and adding more hot water as it cooled. When she finally got out and dried off, her hair was curling stubbornly from the steam. She piled it loosely on top of her head and pulled a silky pink robe out of her bag that had been a birthday gift from Emily and a particular favorite of David's. She was about to turn the television on while she waited when there was a knock at the door.

"Bailey," Grace murmured in surprise as she opened the door to him.

Slightly nervous, he said, "It's been a while. May I come in?"

She hesitated slightly before inviting him in. Even though she'd been thinking about what to say to him throughout the day, she was still at a loss. The room was a neat but sparsely furnished room that offered little more than a desk and a chair beyond the bed and night stands. Although she was accustomed to sharing similar accommodations with Rossi, the room felt small as the king sized bed dominated the room and the surroundings too intimate with Bailey there. Grace uneasily gestured for Bailey to sit down on the chair and surreptitiously pulled the neckline of her robe more tightly together as she sat at the foot of the bed. He was a gentleman and she knew she was safe with him, however she couldn't help feeling oddly exposed before her former lover.

For several awkward moments he was silent, before he spoke. "How have you been? How is Jason?"

"We're both fine," she replied.

"I'm glad. I- I'm glad," he told her and fell silent.

"And you? How's work?"

"It's fine." Bailey ran his fingers through his hair and stood up. He paced slightly in the small space. Moving close to her, he swore. "Damn it, Grace. This isn't how I imagined this. You have no idea how many times, I imagined seeing you again and all the things I'd say. Do you have any idea how much I've missed you?"

Looking away, Grace felt short of breath. A year ago, even six months ago, this would have been exactly what she would have wanted to hear from him. But now? She had to say something, but words failed her as she looked at him uncertainly.

"Bailey, I- "

Closing the distance between them, he sank onto the bed beside her and moved his hand to take hers. "Tell me you haven't thought of me."

Pulling her hand away, she admitted, "I have. But Bailey, I'm seeing someone."

"Who?" Bailey demanded. Putting his hands on her arms and pulling her close, he repeated. "Who is he, Grace?"

"That would be me," a voice answered from the doorway.

Both of them turned to see David Rossi entering the room and closing the door behind him.

"Rossi," Bailey said stiffly and drew back from Grace.

Standing up, she moved and tried to explain, "Bailey was just-"

"Just trying to convince you he was a changed man and that he missed you," her lover interjected. Drawing closer he gave her a reassuring squeeze and placed a small white bag on the night stand as he sat down on the bed beside her. "It's okay, Grace. I expected he would be here."

"I wish you'd mentioned that to me, I would have dressed differently," she muttered.

Bailey stood up and said, "I should be going. It was good seeing you."

"Malone, wait. I have something I want to say and I want you to hear it. I love Grace. And I'm hoping that when we get back to DC that she and I can have a serious talk about moving in together and getting married."

Surprised, she couldn't help blurting out, "I thought you said it would be a long-"

"Things change," he interjected. "I've known what I want for a while now. The problem is that I'm not sure that you know what you want. I've been debating for a while about how to talk to you about it. Then when this case came up and I saw how he looked at you back at the station and your uncertainty."

"Dave, I'm certain about you. About us," she protested.

"Maybe. I hope so. But I don't want six months from now for you to have doubts or regrets. I want you to be a hundred percent certain."

"Look, I really should be going," Bailey said uneasily. "This is a private matter between the two of you."

Shaking his head, Rossi replied, "No it's not. And that's the problem. It's between the three of us. You still love her, don't you?"

"Yes, I love her. It took her leaving to realize just how much, I love her."

"And much as I hate to admit it, I know she still loves you, Malone."

Grace looked from one man to the other, unsure of what to say. She loved both of them so much and knew that whatever happened in the next few minutes that someone was going to get hurt. Swallowing nervously she tried to find words. "I- I-"

"It's okay," he reassured her. "Like I said, I wanted you to be sure. I've gone over this in my head time and again. I've thought of everything from suggesting you go away with him for a few days to taking a couple weeks away from both of us and sorting it out. But I don't think I can do that. I realized today at the station that I need to know where we stand before we leave Atlanta. Which is why I'm about to say something that's going to probably shock you. I want Malone to stay with us tonight."

"You want what!?" both of them said unison.

"Grace needs some help making her decision. I don't want her to commit to me without being certain or to realize she's made a mistake down the road," Rossi explained to them as they continued to stare in disbelief. Taking the tie to her robe, he pulled on it so it fell open. Grace blushed as he drawled, "She has beautiful breasts, don't you think Malone."

"Yes," he answered breathlessly.

Rossi slid his jacket off and began to loosen his tie. Grace's heart raced as Bailey began to remove his jacket and tie as well. She hadn't said yes, but she hadn't said no either. A few moments later as the two men drew her nipples into their mouths, she found any thoughts of protesting disappeared rapidly. Dimly she wondered how she could handle both of them as she felt their cocks pressing against her legs, but all thoughts melted away as they put aside their differences. Both men might resent each other because they each wanted her, but for the moment, their shared desire united them and they took an almost sinister delight in caressing her flesh to a pitch of feverish need.

Few words were said as they touched her. Occasionally one of them would sigh her name, but were largely silent until they stood up and removed the rest of their clothing. Rossi took charge and told her to come over to them. He touched her shoulder and gently pressed downwards. Grace sank to her knees as much from being light headed with need as the desire to touch them. Looking up at the two men she loved, she eagerly grasped both their cocks and began to caress them.

"Use your mouth," Dave softly urged her.

"Yes," Bailey added with a groan.

Grace was happy to comply but was unsure which one of them she should take in her mouth first.

"Guests first," Rossi told her indicating Bailey with a nod.

Grateful to have him tell her where to start, she opened her mouth and took her former lover into her mouth. After a couple minutes, her current lover gently pulled her face from Bailey's cock to his. She felt slightly embarrassed as a trickle of needy moisture ran down her thigh but was too caught up in sucking Rossi's cock to give it much thought. Her movements were being driven by pure instinct and she allowed them, along with her two lovers to guide her.

Several dizzying moments later she was lying on the bed between them. One man kissing her before the other would pull her mouth to his. Their fingers collided between the slick folds of her pussy as their mouths swallowed her screams of pleasure. They paused briefly as Rossi reached for the bag he'd placed on the night stand earlier and pulled out a box of condoms. Too far gone with need, Grace couldn't sort out the brief exchange between the men as they decided how they would take her and who would get to go first.

Rossi moved to the head of the bed and instructed her to take him in her mouth once more. She knelt on the bed and took him in her mouth while Bailey tore open a condom. Grace gasped as Bailey slid into her from behind and Dave slid his cock into her mouth. Both men started slowly, but as they got caught up in their hunger, their movements became faster. She orgasmed violently as her former lover thrust deep and hard in her pussy. Although Rossi tried not to pull her mouth onto his cock too deeply, a couple times his hips lifted off the bed and she came close to gagging. Ordinally it would have bothered her, but it only added to the intensity and she swallowed him eagerly. Behind her Bailey groaned as he came and a moment later her mouth was flooded with Rossi's pleasure.

Normally he would push her away during oral sex when he was about to cum, but this time he didn't. Grace was still shivering as she looked up and met his gaze and swallowed. It was a small gesture and yet as she looked at the mixture of love and desire on his face, she was glad she'd done it. However, she barely had time to think as he pushed her onto her back and he and Bailey slid down between her thighs and began to caress her sex with their tongues.

Oral sex with one tongue was amazing. Two? Grace thought she would never recover as they coaxed and teased her to orgasm after orgasm. Each of them seemed to be determined to outdo the other and whenever one of their tongues seemed to tire, the other was there lapping eagerly. Light headed she rode crest after crest of pleasure until she thought she would lose what little remained of her sanity. After what may have been minutes or hours, she couldn't be sure, Bailey moved to the head of the bed and Rossi urged her onto all fours once more as he drew a condom onto his cock.

She took her former lover's cock into her mouth as her current lover slid deep inside her. His erection was so hard that it almost hurt as he pressed it into her and it seemed to stretch her in ways she'd never been stretched before, but it elicited a feeling that was close to victory as she felt her body yielding to him. Although she eagerly sucked Bailey into her mouth and took pleasure in his reaction, part of her wished she was alone with Rossi and could be meeting his gaze as he took her. Grace wasn't able to see him and they weren't alone, but there was an almost private intimacy as his body melded with hers.

Through a veil of pleasure she realized both men were close. Almost instinctively she raised her mouth from Bailey's cock and let her hand bring him towards the edge. She wanted his pleasure, but she couldn't bear the intimacy of him cumming in her mouth as Rossi had. Her body trembled as the men teetered on the brink and they brought her over with them. Until that moment she'd been able to refrain from using either of their names, but in that primal moment when she was beyond thought, one name spilled from her mouth in an exultant cry.

After several minutes of caressing her as they caught their breath, Rossi finally pulled away and started to get dressed. Grace pulled away from the warmth of Bailey's embrace and put her robe on.

"I'll leave you two alone," he told her and kissed her lightly before leaving. "You know where to find me."

As he left, Grace felt awkward and exposed for the first time since their evening began

Bailey got out of bed and got dressed in silence. Finally he looked at her and said, "I really missed you, you know."

"I missed you too."

"But I missed my chance, didn't I?" he asked sadly.

Nodding she agreed softly, "I think you did."

"I'm sorry. I-"

"Don't." Grace put a finger over his lips to silence him. "Don't do this to yourself. If there's one thing I've learned in the last year, it's that dwelling in the past and on what could have been does no good."

"Tonight was-"

"Was a wonderful way to say goodbye."

He kissed her and said, "I love you, Grace."

"And I love you. Part of me always will, you know."

"But it's time to say goodbye, isn't it?"

Pressing a kiss to his cheek, she smiled sadly, "I'm afraid it is."

Bailey took her hand, one last time before leaving her.

The door closed softly, but seemed to echo on in her ears long after the sound of his footsteps disappeared down the hallway. Although she felt slightly sad seeing her past leave, it was time to move into her future. Slipping her feet into her slippers, Grace walked across the hall to Rossi's room. He opened the door before she could even knock and pulled her tightly to him. Holding her close, he kissed her until she felt dizzy.

When he finally lifted his mouth from hers, she said, "I still had feelings for him, but was committed to us."

"I know. But now you'll never ask yourself what if," he replied as they moved into his room and closed the door. Pulling her robe open and sliding a hand to cup her still heated sex, he teased in a wicked tone, "And it certainly made for one hell of a bachelorette party for you."

"Only if you're planning on marrying me," Grace countered lightly.

"Oh we're definitely going ring shopping, Mrs Rossi."

"Dr. Alvarez-Rossi," she corrected with a mockingly indignant expression on her face.

"My bad."

"Speaking of bad, you do realize tonight's little threesome for my bachelorette party doesn't mean you'll be getting one with me and Emily for your bachelor party."

He waggled his eyebrows at her suggestively, then laughed when she slapped his arm. Grace laughed with him and was still giggling when he kissed her and said, "I think we can agree to confine our bed to just the two of us from now on."

Grace grinned. "Well unless, Hotch-"

Her words ended in a shriek of delighted outrage as he pulled her robe off and gave her a playful swat on the bottom and commanded, "Get into the bathroom and get the shower started for us wife."

The last word brought a smile to her lips that she knew wasn't going to disappear anytime soon...

secret santa 2010, crossovers, bailey/grace, m_ravensblood

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