Secret Santa gift for m_ravensblood

Dec 17, 2010 00:28

Title: Ending the chase
Author: Amanda
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jack of All trades/ Samantha Waters
Warnings: AU
Summary: Set in the middle of Season three, Jack decides to not to set up the elaborate setup in Otis, but decides instead to let Samantha decide what she wants to do
Word Count: 1639
An: This is the secret Santa present for m_ravensblood. I hope you have a delightfully skewed Christmas

Samantha had escaped to her office. She just couldn’t deal with any of her coworkers at the moment. They all seem to be getting on her nerves.

They all expected her to solve this case, but right now she felt lost. She didn’t care about working here anymore. All the cases were starting to seem the same. Someone killed over love, the next one killed over money, the next one killed for revenge; it was like a bad never ending cycle. She just wished that people would learn to be original. It seemed like every crime they came across now seemed to share a lot of the same elements, and a lot of stupid people who fancied themselves serial killers who were never as brilliant or talented as the ones they were trying to emulate.

Samantha glanced up at the clay bust that was sitting in the corner of her office. She had placed it with a lot of the rest of the Jack of all trades things in the far corner of the office. Now, that he was supposed to be in jail, her life seemed so uninteresting.

She was hoping that the real Jack would come out of hiding soon. There was no way that joker Donald Lucas could be Jack of all Trades. Sure he seemed to know some things about her that no one else did, but he lacked the finesse, the intelligence, and the cunning to be the famed serial killer. Any puppet could recite things told to him.

She walked over to the corner of her office, and began to pull boxes from the corner where she shoved them. She began to stack them on the coffee table. She pulled about four boxes from the pile, and then sat down on the couch.

She opened up the box closest to her, and began pulling out the files inside them.

It had been a few months since she had looked through this stuff, but she realized she had memorized it. For some reason going through some of these files didn’t seem like trying to find an answer to the terror that had been her life, it seemed exciting. She hated to admit it but she missed the cat and mouse chase.

Jack had set up an elaborate seduction for her, and she had been clueless to it, she thought for a minute, and then scolded herself. She was sounding like one of those crazy people who write letters to the men in prison because they are lonely and desperate.

Samantha was about to put the files back in the box when her office phone rang. “Hello?” She answered. She knew she should answer with her name, but she liked to make people think they had dialed the wrong office number, so she never answered with her name.

“Hello, Samantha. The game is not over yet.” Donald Lucas whispered into the other end of the phone before she heard the dial tone.

She knew she should probably tell Bailey that Lucas had contacted her, but she thought better of it.

Samantha was debating about going through the Jack boxes again, when John knocked on the door to her office. “George found a possible connection, Bailey wants you back in the command center.”

She nodded hesitantly, and followed him.

- - -
The rain seemed to come down in hard slanting lines, as Jack walked quickly down the street. The letter had been mailed out, and Samantha should hopefully get it soon. It had been hard to stay in hiding for so long.

He hoped his stupid minion Lucas got in trouble when they traced the phone call to his cell. He had planned to try something to win Samantha’s heart, but his plan had to be altered when his mother had decided to introduce to the stupid Lucas.
Lucas had tried to guess his secret, so Jack had to change his whole game. He wasn’t even sure if Samantha had figured out that Lucas was nothing but a joke. A little speck of dirt that he had to use as a distraction for Samantha.

The only reason he was glad the little pest had come into his life was because it had given him more to refine his ultimate plan.

Jack had realized awhile ago that he might need to give Samantha some time to have all the pieces click in her head. While he loved her, he realized she was easily distracted by work, and other things, and didn’t always see the little pictures. Sometimes there were just too many puzzles for her to solve and some of them had to be dropped from her mind unfinished.

- - -
Samantha figured she misheard the phone call when a few days had gone by, and she hadn’t heard anything else from Jack. It made her a little sad. The whole day of the phone call, she had felt more excited about everything. It was as if she had found the joy again in her life again.

She wondered if she should start seeing a shrink. Maybe something was wrong with her. She shouldn’t be excited about her life again because a serial killer was having one of her minions call her. She should be horrified that even when he wasn’t supposed to have access to her, that he had infiltrated her life.

Samantha wondered if she was just burned out. Everything just seemed like she was going through the motions.

She had been staring into space when the messenger had walked into her office.

“I have a certified letter for you Dr. Waters.”

“Thanks,” She said taking it from him. She was actually surprised to see that it had no evidence that it had been scanned, or checked. They must have stopped scrutinizing her mail so much since Lucas was put in jail.

She could feel a smile creeping on her face, as she began to open the envelope. It seemed to be sealed tightly, and wouldn’t easily open. She attempted to rip the side of the envelope off, and almost got a paper cut.

She would have to open it up with her letter opener. The problem was she couldn’t remember where she put her letter opener.

Samantha rummaged through a few drawers not finding it. She set the letter down with a scowl, trying to remember where she put it.

She let out a sigh, and just as she did she realized it was on the top of one of filing cabinets. She didn’t remember putting it up there, but walked over the cabinet anyway. It was possible that she had moved it. Also, John and Marcus liked to sneak into offices and move things around as pranks.

She meant to open it slowly, but found herself slicing it eagerly, like kids opening Christmas presents.

She dumped the contents out on the desk. Several rose petals fell out on the desk, as long with a piece of white card stock about 8 by 5.

On the card stock was written, “ The chase of romance could be exciting sometimes, but we have been at this chase sometime. It is time to settle, or move on. It is your decision whether this game should end or not. If you want to see where the game leaves meet me at 7pm Tuesday at the address embossed on the petals. If you don’t show up, I will vanish from your life forever.”
- - -
Jack wore his best suit with a rose in the lapel. He was sure she might not make it. It would be so easy for her to stop playing the game.

He was sure he could go back to his creationing without a purpose as before, but it hadn’t been as fun until Samantha had walked onto the scene. She had made him a better person. She had made him strive better to make sure everything was perfect, and an exciting challenge for her.

Before she had come into his life, he was sure he would get caught. Actually there were some days he had wanted to get caught. Now, he wanted to be caught in a different way. He wanted her to figure out who he was and run away from him.

Maybe he had no reason to ask that of her. It was worth the effort to see if she even cared for him.

Oh course, she could always send the BAU to his location, but he thought he knew her well enough to know that if she was going to come she would come by herself. That is one of the reasons that he had made sure every room in the small house he rented was lit by candles, and rose petals were strewn on the floor.

Just incase, he didn’t know her as well as he thought and there were men with guns on their way here, he had an escape plan, and they would never catch him.

Jack took a deep intake of his cigarette.

He realized he had been staring off into space a little when he heard her speak. “Jack?”

Her voice was unsure, as if she was debating on whether to leave or not.

He smiled at her. “So, nice to see you Samantha.”

She looked gorgeous, her hair in soft curls, and wearing only what appeared to be a short cream trench coat.

He stood up to walk towards her, and she ran towards him.

She pulled him into a fierce kiss. When they broke apart, she said in a whispered voice. “I am so glad that joke of a man, Lucas, wasn’t the real Jack. I would have been terribly upset.”

Jack didn’t speak her, just pulled her into a sweeping kiss.

secret santa 2010, fanfic, serialbathera, jack/sam

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