Secret Santa Details

Nov 09, 2009 17:32

The Profiler Fans 2009 Secret Santa Exchange

Assignments are going out now!

1) Gifts may be posted anytime from December 1st through December 18th at profiler_fans. During December we will have moderated posting and all Secret Santa Posts will be held until December 24th. This is to ensure that everyone gets a gift in case we need to call on any of our pinch hitters. After the gifts are released on the 24th, you may cross post your fic at your journals and other communities if you wish :o)

If you need an extension contact me to discuss it. And please if something comes up that you won't be able to take part, let me know right away.

2) When posting, please put "Secret Santa Gift For" and your person's name in the title for all Secret Santa posts so that we know it's for Secret Santa and don't accidently release it early :o)

Also, when posting, please review the rules for posting. Improperly formatted introductions for fic or excessive artwork outside of cuts will be rejected and have to be resubmitted properly formatted. During the holidays there is quite a glut to people's f-lists and I think it's only fair that we all meet the standard we established at the comm minimize this.

For details on formatting see the rules post -

3) No one is expected to produce a novel length fic or dozens of icons. However, please aim for 3 or 4 icons or an icon and a wallpaper in the case of artwork. Fics should be a minimum of around 500 words in total. Drabbles and ficlets make excellent gifts and are welcome, just consider writing two or three for your person. Feel free to combine art and fic gifts like an icon and a short story or a wallpaper and drabble. There are of course no maximums :o)

4) Wishlists may be found -

If at any time you have any questions, problems concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me. You may email me at at any time and I will usually get back to you within 24 hours or less.

secret santa 2009

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