Secret Santa Gift for Roman Romantic

Dec 24, 2008 16:13

Because the queue apparently would only allow one entry per person and she was not going to have dependable net access today, serialbathera requested I post the other part of her Secret Santa gift for roman_romantic. All credit for this lovely poem belongs to serialbathera :o)

Title: Careful Planning
Author: Serialbathera
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Jack/ Samantha
Summary: Samantha wakes up to a suprise

As Samantha sleeps,
Jack fills her bedroom with roses,
every room in fact,
vase after vase,
each filled with a dozen
of her favourite flower

As Samantha sleeps,
Jack carefully builds their love dungeon,
he uses the schematics
she had written up
a few years back,
never thinking they would become realized

As Samantha sleeps,
Jack places a carefully chosen
present in each room of the house,
A necklace in the living room,
a teddy bear in the bathroom,
Lingere in the bedroom

Samantha awakes,
following the rose petals
and presents
to a Naked Jack,
and the start of
a wonderful Anniversary

secret santa 2008, poetry, serialbathera, jack/sam

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