Title: The smell of wet leather jacket
Author: Amanda
Rating: Pg-13
Word Count: 247
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters
Summary: Dedicated to
fleta John Grant doesn’t listen when people tell him to bring an umbrella.
The rain was coming down in hard slashes as John Grant came out of the VCTF. He had been reminded by at least three people that it was going to rain today, and he should probably bring an umbrella, but he had decided against it. Last time he had brought an umbrella, it hadn’t rained, and he had been stuck carrying the stupid thing around all day.
John really wasn’t in the mood to get his brand new coat wet, but it wasn’t like he had a choice now. He was hungry, and didn’t want the same old boring cafeteria food anymore.
John quickly jogged across the street, A car almost hitting him before his feet hit the pavement on the other side. He jogged a few blocks down the street.
He walked carefully into the diner. He was pondering if he should get his food to go, or sit in the diner and wait out the storm. Maybe it was better to stay here till the rain passed. The VCTF was working a gruesome case, and everyone seemed in a somber mood. He needed the break from his co-workers.
Just as he sat down, Bailey paged him to let him know that they needed him back at the VCTF.
John got a doggy bag for his food and headed out into the rain again.
As he walked back into the command center, clutching his soggy bag, Grace chuckled. “I told you to bring an umbrella today.”