SUBMIT: Icon Challenge #6 (Quotes)

Apr 18, 2006 00:19

So I finally crawl out of the deluge of work from Easter, just in time for the approach of Mother's Day. Working in the floral biz sucks. ;) Anyway, I have time to breathe and time to post a challenge:

Inspired by Fish's recent post of quote icons, I thought we could all try the same. The icon should have no picture, just colors, design elements (squiggles or what not) and the words of a Profiler quote. It's harder than you think!


1) Follow the above listed rules for the challenge.
2) One entry per user (every one who's a member may enter, even if they came up with the challenge).
3) Submit your entry to this post with the image and the url. No anonymous submissions accepted. Need webspace? Check out
4) Save all icons as jpgs or gifs or pngs. No bmps, thanks. :)
5) All entries must meet LJ standards.
6) All entries must be kept anonymous until after poll results are posted.
7) All entries are due by Friday, April 28th, by 7:00 pm EST. That's almost two weeks, but use your time wisely. :)

Please, please participate!!

Please format your entries in this fashion:

If you have any suggestions for future challenges, feel free to comment here with them as well.

icon challenge 2006

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