Profiler Character Nevers Meme

Mar 25, 2006 13:08

There are zillions of mem's that circulate around LJ, recently we did a community meme at skewedbelievers of Jack Nevers - Thing Jack would never do or say and places he'd never go. I thought it would be fun to do the meme here at profiler_fans using the entire cast. The results will be later used for a couple of fun projects down the road. This is a fun and silly meme that everyone, including people who don't write fanfiction or create fanart can participate in.

Comment with and list as many as you like for each of the following:

1) Places Sam Would Never Go
2) Things Sam Would Never Say
3) Things Sam Would Never Do

4) Places Bailey Would Never Go
5) Things Bailey Would Never Say
6) Things Bailey Would Never Do

7) Places John Would Never Go
8) Things John Would Never Say
9) Things John Would Never Do

10) Places George Would Never Go
11) Things George Would Never Say
12)Things George Would Never Do

13) Places Grace Would Never Go
14) Things Grace Would Never Say
15) Thingss Grace Would Never Do

16) Places Rachel Would Never Go
17) Things Rachel Would Never Say
18) Thingss Rachel Would Never Do

19) Places Jack Would Never Go
20) Things Jack Would Never Say
21) Things Jack Would Never Do

22) Places Sharon Would Never Go
23) Things Sharon Would Never Say
24) Things Sharon Would Never Do

You're welcome to add additional characters (Frannie, Angel, Chloe, Etc), just number them from 25 upwards so that I can sort them out later for the project. Feel free to get as silly as you like with this and you may post as many things or as many times as you wish.

games & silliness

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