Winter Heat

Dec 18, 2005 11:32

Title: Winter Heat
Author: M. Ravensblood
Rating: Strong PG-13 for Sexuality
Pairing(s): Grace/George, Grace/Bailey
Summary: During an imaginary Season 5, Grace is alone at Christmas and feeling down. George and Bailey brighten her Christmas Eve and heat up her night...
A/N:This story is my Secret Santa gift to kosmickway. Hope you enjoy!

Grace stared out the window and sighed softly as behind her the VCTF's Christmas party was in full swing. Recently they had solved the kidnapping of Edison Moyton's son and returned the young heir to the Moyton fortune safely to his parents. Grateful for his son's return, Moyton had insisted on throwing the VCTF and the Atlanta FBI a lavish Christmas party. Despite the festive air among the others as they imbibed from the generous bar, Grace felt hollow inside. This year was the first year she would ever be away from both of her boys at Christmas and nothing seemed to ease the dull ache in her heart.

Sipping from her champagne glass, Grace moved slightly so she could watch her coworkers reflected in the glass. People were dancing and laughing, and the flow of alcohol had some getting rather friendly. Seeing Rachel grab John for a prolonged kiss under the mistletoe made Grace keenly aware of another loss. Intimacy. Passion had never been her top priority, but she missed the physical contact of sex and missed having a warm body next to her at night. Lately she'd been thinking about it a lot and had even toyed with the idea of finding someone for a night or two, she wasn't sure she was ready for more.

Casting a disparaging glance down at her outfit, Grace made an inelegant snort of dismissal. She'd dressed up with an eye towards finding and seducing a man from another department. But she rapidly lost her nerve, she knew she couldn't sleep with just anyone and nixed her plan. So now, not only was she miserable; but she had the added discomfort of tight high heels and her lacy bra which was starting to scratch. As if that weren't bad enough, despite her change in plans, the outfit continued to have the effect she'd originally intended and much of her evening had been spent fending off unwanted advances.

Caught up in her thoughts as she looked at her shoes in annoyance, Grace didn't notice as George approached and asked, "Not having a good time?"

"Not exactly," she responded, offering him a wry smile.

"The shoes, huh?" George offered sympathetically.

"How did you-" Grace trailed off. Of course George would know, he was very intuitive when it came to women. Sometimes she wondered if she could ever find a heterosexual version of George. He'd been so helpful through her pregnancy and Morgan leaving her and she'd always be grateful George had been there.

"Just a hunch," he replied. Then he pressed gently, "Is anything else the matter? You seem to have more on your mind than your shoes."

"I guess I'm just not in a festive mood tonight."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Thanks, George. But I think I'm just going to head out," Grace told him and walked away.

Concern etching his face, George watched her leave thoughtfully. Several minutes later he walked to the bar and persuaded the bartender to part with an unopened bottle of champagne. Purposefully he left the party and drove off into the night.

Grace took her shoes off the moment she arrived home and wriggled her foot in relief. Walking to her bedroom she began to pull off her dress. Discarding it on the floor, she removed her lacy black underwear. Relieved to have the scratchy bra off she rubbed her breasts to get rid of the scratchy feeling. She was contemplating drawing a bath when the doorbell rang.

Who would be coming to her place on Christmas Eve at this hour? Grace wondered as she grabbed a bathrobe and pulled it on.

Walking to the door, Grace gasped in surprise as she opened it to reveal George, "What are you doing here?"

"Can I come in?"

Offering him a smile, Grace answered, "Of course."

"Since you didn't feel like a large party, I decided to bring the party to you. Now you sit," George ordered her gently and urged her to the sofa. Sitting the champagne bottle on the coffee table, he assured her, "I've been here enough times to know where you keep the glasses. I'll be back in a jiffy."

Grace sat slightly dazed. George was seldom so assertive and his demeanor was as confusing as his sudden late night appearance. While he'd been at her home a great deal since he'd helped to deliver her baby, George seldom simply dropped by and certainly not so late at night.

"Here we are," George declared returning with a couple glasses and sitting them on the coffee table, breaking Grace's reverie.

Looking up she protested, "This is really sweet, but really unnecessary."

"Says you," George laughed and opened the bottle. Pouring Grace a glass he handed it to her. Then he crossed the room to her Christmas tree and plugged it in. Returning to the sofa, he flicked the switch on the lamp, poured himself a glass of champagne and announced, "Now we're ready to party."

"Bah humbug," she teased and took a sip from her glass. This was the most content she'd felt during the entire wretched evening.

"Keep it up and Santa won't bring you anything."

Sticking her tongue out, Grace laughed, "You're Jewish."

"And you're not going to get out a holiday celebration that easily," George countered.

"Well my feet hurt so I don't have to party," she retorted airily. A warm feeling suffused her body as they were bantering, she felt a bit happier having George with her.

"Then, I'll just have to take care of that," he informed her.

Before she could protest further he reached for her ankles and grabbed them up onto the sofa. Taking one foot he began to slowly massage it. Grace smiled and took another sip from her glass as George slowly worked the tension from her foot. Other than her sons, George and Bailey were her only true family. She was often offered other positions with more prestige and at higher rate of pay, but she couldn't imagine leaving them and so she remained at the VCTF.

George switched feet and as he worked on the other, he asked, "Feeling better?"

Nodding, she thanked him, "Yes. Thank you. But I feel badly that you left the party early on my account."

"I don't mind. Since Rich left me, I haven't felt much like partying."

"George, I'm sorry. I wasn't-"

"Don't apologize. It's been over six months and it had been falling apart since shortly before Sam's departure. You've filled a lot of the void and been there for me all along," George reassured her. A wicked smile crossed his face, he kissed the arch of her foot and added, "Besides, every man at the party wished he got to spend the night with you and I am going to."

"Oh you are, are you?" she shot back. Then imitating a southern belle, she laughingly batted her eyes, "Why Mr. Fraley, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were flirting with me."

Studying her face gravely, George asked softly, "Would that be so bad?"

"No," Grace shook her head. "But you're-"

Releasing her foot, George slid closer and caressed her face as he interjected, "I'm bisexual, Grace. I usually stick with gay because it's easier for people to understand one way or the other rather than a little of both. I loved Rich and when I was with him, he was what I desired."

Trembling slightly, Grace stared into George's eyes and breathed, "And now?"

"Now," he whispered and tried to find words.

Unable to find words and the air crackling with tension between them, George answered her with a kiss. As their lips met, Grace uncertainly returned his embrace. A riot of sensations that had lain dormant within her fluttered to the surface as their kiss continued for many moments. When they broke apart, neither spoke, but merely stared as panted slightly. Uncertainly, Grace kissed George and melted against him as he guided her hand to his shaft. Any doubts he desired her melted away as she felt his firm erection. A slight whimper broke from her throat as he unfastened the belt of her robe.

Gazing at her breasts, George murmured, "Beautiful."

As his mouth caressed her breasts and Grace moved to unbutton his shirt. Together they divested him of his shirt, pausing for their mouths to meet. Pulling George's belt off, Grace tossed it across the room. Lying of the couch they kissed, the only barrier left between them was George's pants which Grace caressed him through. Their breathing was a series of shallow gasps as they slowly roused one another. His fingers tracing her thigh, George had just moved to cup her pussy when the sound of the doorbell interrupted them.

"Damn it," Grace swore.

Kissing her, George said, "Ignore it, maybe they'll go away."

When the bell rang again insistently, Grace extricated herself from George and pulled on her robe. Smiling she told him, "I'll get rid of whoever it is."

"Good," George grinned. Then added, "And Grace?"


"Hurry back."

Grinning, she went to the door and opened it. Standing outside the door, Bailey stood holding a bottle of champagne and a rose.

"You left early and I thought we could talk."

"Uh, Bailey. I'd love to talk sometime, but it's late."

"Nonsense," Bailey declared pushing past her. "Gracie, there's no way I'm letting you spend Christmas Eve alone. And I-"

Bailey stopped in the living room doorway and stared in disbelief at George. Uncertain how to explain, Grace hesitated behind Bailey. Having a little more presence of mind, George took in the sight of Bailey holding the champagne and flower and stood up.

"Grace, I think you should put that in water," George suggested indicating the flower.

Mechanically, she snatched the rose from Bailey and fled gratefully to the kitchen.

"George, this is somewhat-" Bailey trailed off uncertainly.

"Sit down, Bailey," he prompted. When Bailey did, George handed him his glass of champagne which the older man rapidly downed. Pouring him another glass, George said, "You're here because you care about Grace and based on the rose I'd say you had similar intentions to mine."

Uneasily, Bailey replied, "So it would seem."

"You love Grace as a friend, you were alone and she was alone and you thought, why not? That you cared about her and you've both been alone too long," George offered.

"Something like that, but I hadn't realized that you were here or that you would be," Bailey responded then broke off awkwardly not meeting George's gaze.

George looked at the older man and suppressed a slight smile. In all his time at the VCTF, he'd never seen Bailey Malone so completely embarrassed or at a loss for words. In the kitchen he heard Grace and knew she was delaying her return for as long as she could. The evening hadn't evolved in quite the way he imagined, but George decided that didn't mean his plans couldn't be amended. They both loved Grace and she shouldn't be alone tonight.

At last George drawled, "Bailey, I'm not attracted to you. Not in the slightest. Never have been, never will be. Before I say anything else, I want you to know that."

Looking at George with confusion, Bailey muttered, "That's good George, you're not exactly my type."

"Grace is a beautiful woman," George stated.


"We both love her," George pressed gently, giving Bailey a meaningful look as unspoken words hung in the air.

For a moment the older man hesitated, then continued what George had begun to say, "If we both love her, why can't we both love her."

"Exactly," George affirmed

Grace was afraid George would leave and she didn't want to be alone. Having George hold her and kiss her had felt so good and she hadn't felt that way in a long time. It wouldn't be easy to assert what she wanted and she was upset at the prospect of hurting Bailey, she really loved him, but she needed to at least ask George to stay. She was a little apprehensive, afraid the break in their session would have cooled his ardor, but she knew if he left tonight without her at least trying to persuade him to stay, she would regret it for a long time to come.

Walking into the room, Grace said softly, "George, I know this has been awkward. But I'd really like it if you would stay tonight."

"Of course Grace," he reassured her. Standing up, George moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her, adding, "I would like to continue what we started."

Although the words thrilled her, there was still another guest to address. Struggling for words, she murmured, "Bailey."

"Is welcome to stay if you wish," George whispered in her ear. Seeing she didn't grasp the meaning, he continued, "He loves you too, Grace."

Seeing the hesitant expression on her face, Bailey rose and stood before her. Gently he caressed her face and offered, "I love you, Gracie. We both do. If you don't want this I can leave and we'll forget the matter forever."

"I love you too, Bailey. But both of you?" Grace blushed slightly.

"Both of us," he replied and reached for the tie on her robe.

When she gave no resistance, Bailey kissed Grace and her robe rapidly found it's way to the floor. Standing between the pair, Grace moaned as she received kisses and caresses from both men. Surrendering to their touch and allowing her hands to roam greedily over both of them, she felt whole at last. Whether it would only be for tonight or for a longer time, this Christmas Eve she was being made love to by the men she loved...

secret santa 2005, holiday themed, fanfic, m_ravensblood, bailey/grace/george

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