Secret Santa Gifts for melanie_anne.

Dec 10, 2005 17:38

Title: Four Little Letters
Author: Fish
Rating: PG-13
Setting: Christmas, season one or two - pick your favorite.
Pairing: Jack/Sam
Summary: Sam gets a Christmas greeting from our favorite serial killer.

Merry Christmas was scrawled in black ink upon the blank white note. The longer Sam stared at the Christmas card, the firmer it set in that he had written her.


J. A. C. K.

Who knew four letters could be so effective on a woman? Sam knew. Sam had known for eight years just how damaging J, A, C, and K was. She had seen it in invisible ink - much like the man himself. It had been left next to almost twenty dead bodies. Twenty people all dead at the expense of one obsession. Sam had not hesitated in letting her friends know just how devastated this made her. But she would never - could never - let them know how much it excited her.

Sam reached inside her desk drawer to remove a hand-sized black light. She had been keeping it there since Papa Doc had fallen victim to that four-letter-named man. She flipped the switch and opened the card. She read the message intently.

My dear Samantha,

We have been through so much together, so
Why do you insist on hiding from your
Feelings? I know that your blood truly runs
Cold within you. We all have darkness
Within us. I am the God; you are the
Goddess. Together, we are the light and
The dark. We have to power to give life
And to take life. Create life, Samantha,
So that we may steal it back. We can carve
like artists into the people on earth.
                                After all,
It is not fun if no one is bleeding.


Sam considered the possibilities, but this was no surprise to her self. She had thought many times of joining Jack, but one person kept her right where she was - Chole, for five letters is more than four. Sam stood to turn the Christmas card in to Evidence, like always, but something stopped her this time. It was not connected to the latest murder, nor was it written upon a news clipping. Instead, Sam closed the Christmas greeting and slid it into its neatly-torn, crisp, white envelope. She tucked it into her coat pocket and gingerly picked up the two-dozen red roses it had come with, and she left for home. The roses needed to be placed into a water-filled vase as soon as possible. Maybe - (her twisted side was beginning to take hold of her) - she would dry one so that it may last forver. Like Jack. J. A. C. K.

The End

These icons cannot be used without explicit permission from melanie_anne. :) Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Mel!

secret santa 2005, holiday themed, fishpwnsyou, fanfic, icons

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