An Anniversary gift ...

Sep 24, 2005 14:18

A little anniversary gift for mravensblood who is celebrating her first year as a fan-fic writer. Happy anniversary, my talented friend. Many happy returns.

I don't usually write rhyming poems but this seemed the sort of occasion that called for one ... Without futher ado ...

The world is Skewed.
Or so it's said
by Meg, who lives
inside Jack's head.

She knows his thoughts.
She knows his tricks.
Yes, Meg-o knows
just how Jack ticks.

She schemes and plots
and crafts and plans
the many ways
to make Jack Sam's man.

Blue lights shine,
there are roses a-plenty.
Of romantic devices,
Meg has many.

Of clever stories and plot gimmicks
many will try but few can mimic
the style of writing Meg can produce--
add graphics plenty and all enthuse.

Meg, you're a writer
of highest degree!
Keep on writing--
and post it where we all can see.

We're glad that you're with us.
We're glad that you write.
We're glad that you keep us up night after night,
clicking links to the stories
of our two lovers true ...

and for that I just want to say:
"Thank you!"

poetry, kosmickway

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