fanfiction: recovering part 2

Jan 19, 2005 03:51

I actually had time to write another part. Yay!! Maybe I will have time to write more before the challenge is over.
Challenge : New Beginnings
Title of Fic: Recovering
Rating: PG
Brief Plot Summary: the first day george realizes that he doesn’t need the drugs.
Relationship: rich/George

He escorts me back to the living room, making me sit on the couch that I had just gotten up from. “Sit for awhile.” He gives me a soft smile. “I will make dinner, don’t go back to sleep,” and heads into the small kitchen near the living room. I smile, I don’t remember the last time I have admired him walking away from me, he has such a cute petite frame.

I hear a knock on the door. “I’ll get it!” I call, knowing that I am closer to the door. I stand up to go get it, and feel a bit dizzy.

I just realized he has turned off the Puccini opera, it must have been coming from the small radio from the kitchen. I lie on the floor for a second, I am sure the person can wait while I try to regain my composure. This feeling is a weird feeling, even as I lie against the plush carpet; it seems the world is still spinning.

Richard walks out of the kitchen. “I’ll get it.” He notices me on the floor. He doesn’t say anything but gives me a shy little smile, as if in some way he might have known something like this might happen. He bends over my head, and plants a little kiss on my forehead. He grabs my hand, and pulls me to a sitting position. “Stay on the couch, for five minutes can you do that?”

I pull myself up, and nod. I sit on the couch; all my limbs are starting to hurt. My first reaction is to look for the altoids container where I had the drugs, but I remembered I was through with that. I don’t need the drugs anymore; I need to get my job back so that I can help Kim Doyle out. Okay, maybe I just want my job back, I am sure she can help we get a lot of files, she seems okay. I just worry sometimes; I hate the idea that I am being replaced, that I might not get my job back.

“He still is getting some of the withdrawal effects.” I hear Richard say, as he comes into the hallway. I hadn’t heard the other voice, and it is odd because Richard was talking very soft. Or maybe it is the fact that a loud drum seems to have started playing in my ears.

I am curious to know who this person is so, I glance up. Bailey Malone is standing in the hallway, smiling down at me. “How’s it going?”

I start to stand to give him a hug, but Richard makes a little tsk tsk sound with the back of his throat, and I remain seated. “Bailey is going to join us for dinner, if you don’t mind.”

“I don’t mind.” I give Bailey a smile, hoping that he understands.

He smiles back, a warm sympathetic kind of smile. He sits down next to me on the couch, as Richard goes back into the kitchen. “Thanks for stopping by.” I give him another smile, unintentionally touching my hand to my temple, my headache ringing with loud pain again.

“Not a problem. I’m glad to hear you are of the drugs, or so Richard says. I am sure he is not lying though you definitely look like a person going through withdrawal.” He chuckles a deep baritone chuckle.

“Yeah. I…” I stop myself, I was going to say that I wanted to be on the team again. But I stop myself. He probably knows that. It is nice to know that he isn’t mad at me about my mess-up, and has come to visit me, even though I must look like a mess. I think I have been wearing the same pajamas for four days now, or maybe five all the days seem to be blurring together, and apparently I missed most of today anyway.

“I’m glad you are doing better though, we missed you, but I am glad you are in capable hands. Richard has a lot of patience, and you are definitely going to need it.”

“Yeah, he does, I only wish I knew where it came from. But I am so lucky to have him sometimes.” I smile wishfully, pondering on how lucky I am.

Bailey puts his arm around my shoulder and gives me a little hug. “I am glad, because we definitely want you to come back in top shape when ever you can.”

fanfic, serialbathera, slash, george/rich

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