SUBMIT: Contest 01

Dec 24, 2004 17:53

Well, for one, you'll notice that the naming convention for these contests has changed. Thank God for me. :) Second, I went ahead and chose this challenge. (carha, I replied to your comment the other day. Take a look and give me a holler, okay? :) ) Third, kajivar requested we do Jack, so I searched what caps we had and I think you'll be pleased with what I came up with.

This cap is of Jack (in disguise) and Coop from episode 1.06, "Modus Operandi":
cap by lollobrigida

You can do whatever you want with this cap (animated, still, colorful or no, textless or no, whatever), but do not use other caps.


1) Use only the provided cap. No blending of outside images.
2) One entry per user (every one who's a member may enter, even if they came up with the challenge).
3) Submit your entry to this post with the image and the url. No anonymous submissions accepted. Need webspace? Check out
4) NEW RULE Save all icons as jpgs or gifs. No pngs or bmps, thanks. :)
5) All entries must meet LJ standards.
6) All entries must be kept anonymous until after poll results are posted.
7) All entries are due by Friday, January 7th by 5:00 pm EST. That's almost two full weeks, but use your time wisely. :)

So far, we've got a great momentuem for the challenges, and I'd like to keep it this way. You know, get the new year started off with a bang? So please enter...I think you'll have a lot of fun with this cap. :)


If you're a fanfic writer, don't forget to write up a holiday-themed (it can be Christmas or New Year (or other holiday season) themed) and post something for our enjoyment!!! :)

Plus, I've got lots and lots of ideas for this community for the New Year, so stay tuned... ;)

icon challenge 2004

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