A real update.

Nov 30, 2004 11:42

Procastination is evil! You should resist it! It should be added to the seven deadly sins which is probably eight now. It's very addicting- procastination. You think you will do it then you put it off- it's extremely addicting especially when you are burnt out with lot of papers this semester like I am.

Yeah I procastinated on my two papers til the last minute and spent all day and night yesterday working on a paper before the deadline today. I pulled it off, but stroke of misfortune, my printer broke and I had to use my asshole's computer to use his printer- but at the time it was almost my mother's bedtime so I printed the first paper. Jackie was very very generous to let me use her computer so I could work on my longer paper more and print those out for today. I was very very lucky to finish both of the paper in time for the deadline even though it meant less sleep and it's worth for my grades at the school.

Unfortunely, I just found out that I had to do three papers for my english class online due monday.that totally sucked. I was really hoping to be done for the semester but at least it beats taking tests.

And No, I am not going to procastinate this TIME!

Oh yeah- the funniest/nicest my philosophy teacher told me today in front of the class:

Teacher:You look good today.
Cat: Me? looking good? Nah.
Teacher: You should get a date.
(teacher and class laughs at my outburst)

Yeah my philosophy teacher is definitely in a good mood today- he was picking on people and even gave compliments to couple of people including me. Nice.

I am so looking forward to a long winter break but not my wisdom surgery! Ick! I am not sooo looking forward to being in pain for few days after the surgery or being drugged up. I never really liked being drugged up-I was drugged up more than half of my summer due to stupid migraines.

I'm directing the deaf christmas choir in New Orleans, I was offered the position of director several weeks ago and I thought why not? so I accepted it.It has been a lot of work and fun so far- We are having our first practice tonight. Asl revisioners and I still need to revise our christmas songs in ASL but we did revise the two songs for now. Our first performance is on December 8th at 7pm on Magzine Street- there will be songs and some small skits. The event is Irish Channel Foundation. It's rumored to be over 500 people attending the event, including extremely influential people like The Mayor of New Orleans and some congressmans I think. Also It will be on WWLTV News. If any of you locals want to come and see us performance im me at bellafarfalla155 on AIM for information and stuff like that. It'll be nice if some of you guys came!

Oh before I forget to tell you, Granny is doing well on her recovery but she won't be 100% for a while. We hope she doesn't relapse. Ten years of diebates have taken a toll on her heart and kidney so that's something we have to watch out for a while. Most of all, I'm glad that she's okay and is in good spirits looking forward to the Holidays!

Now I'm off to my Greek Lit class to turn in my paper now then after that I have a Phi Theta Kappa meeting then I'm meeting my ASL revisioners at 4:30 til 6pm to practice signs for the songs so that we can teach the choirs the signs to the song.Then the first actual pratice starts at 6 and there will be good 2 to 3 hours of practice then I head on the long way home! Wow. I'm a busy girl aren't I?

You have a great day my lovelies.
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