Технологии обеспечения стабильности или Выдохи господина ПэЖэ

Apr 04, 2012 12:05

Нехемия Штрасслер жжОт по поводу свежих экономических инициатив нашего премьера, а также всего остального. Мне со Штрасслером (как это часто бывает) спорить совсем не хочется. Прав, хотя и "почвенник". Впрочем - судите сами (English).  המאמר המקורי  Пересказ по-русски.

It was the economic issue that Netanyahu dealt with this past week. After frightening the public for a week about the price of gas rising by 20 agorot, he rolled up his sleeves, worked like a crazed zealot, and at the last minute - on Saturday night, shortly before the evening news - he had a stroke of genius and reduced the gas hike by 15 agorot. That came as a tremendous relief, and it was a striking victory; we knew we owed gratitude to our great leader. The next day he explained to the public that this was a responsible, correct move. "Those who speak of lowering taxes and unbridled spending are devoid of economic knowledge as well as responsibility. We need the taxes to purchase more Iron Dome systems, to complete the separation fence, to fund free education for children, to pave roads and [fund] trains, to help the elderly and the needy. We won't go over the budget this year." Anyone who heard this had to be impressed and amazed. Here was a leader explaining why it is wrong to reduce taxes and increase spending; yet, as he continued to speak, Netanyahu noted that he has reduced the gasoline tax four times, for a total reduction of 80 agorot. How can he say one thing and then its opposite without blushing?
There is, for Netanyahu, one last hope: that the crisis doesn't come before the next election. Until Israelis go to the polls, Netanyahu will continue to frighten us, "rescue us" and worry about one thing only: that we cast the right ballot.

Я знаю, что многие ценят г-на премьера и его невообразимую коалицию за то, что "они так ничего и не отдали". Большое достижение, да. Они, правда, попутно, никого не победили, ничего не достигли и никуда не продвинулись. Но это, право же, малосущественные мелочи.

"Главное - стабильность" - подумал страус, засовывая голову в песок.
Какое-то время можно не обращать внимание на то, что жопа уже сгнила, да.  

политика, Израиль, экономика

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