
Dec 30, 2016 14:37

The title refers to how Valerie and I thinking regarding our possible trip to the Helsinki WorldCon next August.

We have begun planning and researching an itinerary and its potential costs, and it's a big issue. This is especially important now since I am scheduled for oral surgery at the end of January for dentures. Joy of joys! We have dental insurance through my employer, but the copay is still hefty, so we've got a payment plan set up with the dental office.

Then there are costs for seeing the sights and eating wherever we are staying. What i need to do is talk to Jacq Monaghan and Curt Philips to learn from their experiences as TAFF representatives. The question has arisen, "should I withdraw and wait until 2019 for the Dublin WorldCon?" It's a thought to consider. We do have a credit card to help with expenses.

So much to consider. I'm staying in the race, but I am sharing these thoughts here to generate feedback from folks who have taken TAFF trips to Europe before.

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