Things have really been going well for me lately. It seems that the many things that I have been toiling over have been settled by themselves. I have been feeling so very glad lately, so much so that I am beginning to doubt how long it will last.....but lets not dwell on that and instead I'll fill you in
1. Boys: I have met a most fascinating boy. he is from my Earth Literacy class. I am simply infatuated. It began with me very casually commenting on his bicycle patches emblazoned on his punked-out vest, and blossomed into 'I am so glad I talked to you, this is the beginning of something good'. And as naive as this my sound, most of our conversations have been electronic and as much as that leaves out for palpable emotion, our AIM conversation have revealed that we are both entirely passionate and conerned about the same things. We both enjoy bicycles in thier athletic and anarchist forms, we both listen to Lightning Bolt (which is such an obscure band that it takes not only an obscure person to enjoy but also an obscure lifestyle to encounter them), we both are radical political leftists with a genuine concern for the environment and the state of the union, we both identify with the liberal social outcasts of society, plus a dozen other details that I am just too excited to list. What makes this boy particularily attractive is that while I tend to desire boys that are exactly like me (the granola eating, frisbee playing, Phish jamming neo hippies), this kid has adopted the punk lifestyle....I have always admired the punk society and I find it both intensly attractive and wildly interesting. So far he and I have been on a bike ride and watched a movie for class together and it has been just butterflies- in a good way. I really just want to spend my time getting to know him.....and perhaps making out.....and I am aware that he feels the same way. Now I sincerely hope that this friendship is not in vain, I feel like I have found a real gem, finally someone who gets what I am all about. I had been complaining about my loneliness and disinterest and sexual fustration then HE comes along and inspires in me hope.
2. Kyle and Chris, the street bicycle boys: I have been hanging out a lot with Chris and Kyle, especially Kyle. I admire these two beause they are avid bikers and I greatly desire to reach that. They are both gorgeous (mostly Chris.....mmmm he is DELICIOUS) and lately with us hanging out they have become more and more interested in ME and MY bicycle persuits.
3. The Farm: On Saturday I went to the farm to plant onions and garlic. Matt H, Alex J (another love interest in my Earth Literacy class. he and I have been flirting) Paul and Patrick were all there and plan to work well into the summer. It was such a lovely day and I had a good time with my hands in the rich earth. i have decided that the amount I will gain from working on the farm over the summer will be far more worth the extra money I would make working at the kennel again. It has been decided: I will live and work in the 'Bury over the summer.
THIS IS THE WONDERFUL NEW BICYCLE THAT I PURCHASED FROM SALISBURY CYCLE AND FITNESS!!!!!! It's a Trek 7.2fx, a city-road hybrid made for biking hard, fast, rough, and long distances. It is just PERFECT for me and I spent only $400. After the farm Alex J and I went to Bike Sport and I was introduced to a very sexy but very expensive Specialized hybrid that was nearly $700. It looked promising to me at the time but I decided to go down to Salisbury Cycle and Fitness to see what they would offer me. Honestly i was set on the Specialized and was thinking I would just walk in and out of the other store. BUT! When I was introduced to the Trek I weighed the pros and cons - this bike is cheaper, better suited for a woman, I could ride it off the lot, it has a longer warranty and less likely to be stolen. SO I BOUGHT IT AND RODE IT HOME THAT VERY DAY! So far it has proven to be perfect match. This sexy machine is light, it fits me well, its easy to ride, it fits all the criteria.....IT IS PERFECT! I have been riding it so much that my ass and forearms hurt! But it is so worth the pain when I zip by pedestrians on this sexy, silent, devil. All it needs now is a name....Kyle thought that Bajas would be a suitable one because if bikes were to be equated with car models, mine would compare to a Subaru Baja. Also I am very excited because Kyle and Chris thought it was perfect for me the moment they saw it and were very proud of my selection...and that good new coming from two enthusiasts. I am also excited because this baby will get me to the farm with no trouble at all! Imagine, by the end of the summer from biking and farming, I'l be tan and muscled...sexyyyy.
4. ESA: ESA has started off very well and everyone is cooperating as planned. Anita has realized my devotion to the club and understands the situation. We have big Earth-Day plans that are entirely feasable with the right commitment. Last Friday ESA had a real happenin' gathering. Pictures:
Drake on the guitar
Towards the end of the night.
5. Somerset house: I have been going to wonderful little parties and visited at the Somerset house. I am realizing that Holly and Laurel and I are destined for a great relationship and a great year ahead of us. I couldn't as for a better group to live with.