Missing Maryjane

Dec 24, 2007 19:04

One day left till I head off to Ecuador. I anticipate smoking very, very little if not at all during my one month stay. This is both a good and bad thing. It is good because I have an alarmingly high tolerance to THC, it seems like I can smoke several bowls by myself and not feel totally stoned like I used to. It used to be that I could take one, maybe two big hits and feel stoney for a good three of four hours. Now I'm lucky to feel high for just a half hour, hour after smoking a bowl by myself. SO by taking a break from my habitual toke twice-a-day-every-day for one month I will lose some of my tolerance and be able to stone myself real nicely when i come home. And this is bad of course because I am a very habitual daily smoker and while I am certainly not dependent on it, I look forward to it every day. but I am sure that I will be busy with so many other activities in Ecuador that I will not have time to think about getting high.
SO tonight I plan on smoking all that is left of my stash because I do not want it lying around while I am gone. There is maybe two grams left so I will roll a nice fat blunt and relax for the night. perhaps I will even offer to toke with Glenn or even give him a bowl pack.
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