fuck you sir.

May 18, 2004 00:49

''Let us pray first for those in these lines, waiting to receive what is an illegal piece of paper,'' he said. ''Let us pray for the sin of Massachusetts and the pain and confusion that today will bring to so many.''

ok... that pisses me off alot... now i cant decide if i wanna go kill alot of people or just cry myself to death. can somebody please explain to me why people are such fucking assholes? can someone please explain to me why so many people including the leader of our fucking country are so against so many people's happiness? why the fuck do they care? i mean i honestly cannot imagine what the hell is going through these asshole's minds. why do they do this shit? are they just trying to make people want to kill themselves? i dont know. but the point here is fuck you bush. and fuck all of you that are on his side. and the biggest fuck you goes to whoever the fuck thought it was a good idea to waste jesus' time with that complete and utter bullshit.
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