My imagination

May 15, 2009 23:36

To see me on the streets, you would not take any notice of me. I am an ordinary man in my appearance and yet hide a fantastic secret. If you met me, it would take a life time to understand my thoughts and perceptions of life, and to realize why my personality is so awkward. Though you may not believe my explanations, they are true and valid in all their definitions.

I reside in one world and live in a second world. The world I reside in is the world of the tangible. This is the world that is seen every night and day on the news channels; a world where fact and unquestioned reality give no life and have no soul. It is a plain world and exists without magic.

The second world, is the world I live in; the world of the intangible, the fantastic and the phantasmagorical. A world where magic is the key energy that binds everything together and often tears it a part. This world has places of unbelievable sites, fantastic creatures and breath taking realms of improbable beauty.

This second world is my imagination. This is the place where my mind is free to fly and create; a place to exist without fear or worry. Here is where my undaunted thoughts create the surreal images and the unique visions. This is where the unthinkable is realized and the fantasy dreams of a creative mind come true to life in my writing or drawings. I have always known of my second world and I have diligently fed it with more power as each day comes and goes. I have chosen to live in the second world of imagination and to reside in the first world’s solemn reality. Is this wrong?

My life has been destined to the second world and I freely volunteer my energy to keep it alive, meanwhile I keep my mask of deception on and continue to move day to day in the first. Everyday, I fool those who seek out to destroy my imagination by saying such things as; “...That’s stupid, why would you want to do that...” or “...Why don’t you just grow up?” These people care not to have a happy thought or maybe there imagination is completely dead. People that would deny me the second world and infect it with depressing thoughts of the mundane are on constant attack. These people, who would deny me my true spirit, will never comprehend me, nor do I want them to. They will never understand the joy that comes with keeping your imagination free.

So while I mix and move through the world of the mundane, at night I sit back and let my mind create in the second. This second world of imagination is where I have lead armies into battle, conquered evil creatures and discovered new worlds of beauty. I have enjoyed the hospitality of kings, emperors and inter dimensional beings. I have protected and rescued the innocent from the clutches of ghastly monsters and battled wizards of demonic evil. This is the place where my mind is free to conjure and create anything I wish. I have no limit to the magical places and things that my imagination can create. A beautiful garden has fairies living in it and a mountain hides a secret door that leads to a treasure guarded by a fierce dragon. Oceans reveal lost cities and hide huge sea creatures. The forests are inhabited by fantastic creatures, both good and evil and far off castles hold trapped damsels. The places are as alive as anything through my writing and drawings.

Though I may not have conquered the real world, who will? My imagination is the largest, most brilliant treasure I have. It has taken me to worlds that others can never discover. I believe as the Mark Twain once said...” when your imagination is dead, when you can say this of yourself, you have truly struck bottom. I believe there is no lower deep a person can attain.”

drinking wine and reflecting

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