Requesting help!

May 19, 2008 19:02

Wow, guys--the exchange looks like it's going to be an awesome success! As I type this, we have six people signed up with prompts for the fanfiction exchange, and nine for the fanart exchange. And the prompts are great!

The real purpose of this entry is that...well, I'm asking for some help. Help with what, you might ask? Well, I'll tell you what: I want a Professor Layton category on, that's what :D

Yes. I reeeeeeeally want one. And one does not exist. To get one, as I understand it, we have to email the Support team. And I was thinking that it might be a little bit more persuasive to have more than one person emailing. So I was hoping that some of you out there might be willing to help a fangirl out.

So if anyone has an ff-dot-net account, or a willing friend with an ff-dot-net account, or...heck, even if you don't and you want to give this a try anyway, we need to email preferably with a subject line of something like "Requesting Category." And the body of the email would just need to say that it's a game called Professor Layton.

If anyone else would be willing to fire off an email, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks, guys!

fanwork: exchange, request: misc

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