
Sep 19, 2010 22:47

H-hello. 8D First post in a big community like this. Hi~ (Yes, I've been lurking in the shadows for a while. Making a few minors posts here and there.)

Beat Unwound Future a few nights ago so to get my mind off the ending I drew a few things. Comics.

Fooled you into thinking they were direct images huh? XP They link back to my DA.

Friends in Far Places
In which Future Luke is in need of assistance.

Acquaintences then?
In which Don Paolo asserts his archnemisis-ness with Layton. Plus a cameo.

And if this is okay, does any one have the vocal version of the credit song they would like to share? <8D I really want it. (If this isn't allowed, you can tell me and I'll delete this part.)

And I look forward to seeing more Layton stuff from you guys. ^_^

request: music, fanwork: art, game: unwound future, [introduction]

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