[MOD POST] Game three time!

Sep 10, 2010 00:12

... *sticks head in and peeks around* Err..hi?

Okay, so mod!mama has not been a very good mod!mama lately. Been meaning to make this post for a while, but between work and other boring real life things that are not work and picking up a rather addictive new hobby (I can quilt now!), I've been a bit absent from the ol' internets. But I haven't forgotten all of you lovelies!

So SURPRISE! Game three's release is almost upon us! At long last, we get more puzzles, more top hats, more mystery, and...well, Legal. No complaints about any of the above here.

Just a quick reminder: the community's spoiler policy can be found here. I know there are quite a few who have worked very hard to stay unspoiled for this, so let's not blow that for anyone, okay? To sum up: put spoilers behind a cut with warnings. If you're not sure if it's a spoiler, it probably is.

Otherwise...when game two came out, we put up two discussion posts. One for puzzle help and spoiler-free discussion, and one for those who have finished the game and want to discuss things that may contain spoilers. Do we want to do that again? It seemed to work out pretty well. Any other thoughts, suggestions, or whatnot for things we could do, feel free to drop 'em here. (Short notice, let me show you it.) If you want to throw something at my head for said short notice, you can do that here too *is a bad mama*

Game's out on Sunday. Have fun, everyone! \o/

...and I have the sudden, overwhelming desire to make a quilt square of Layton's hat. Why did I not think of this sooner?? *temporarily vanishes back into a Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep-induced mist*


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