Professor Revol-Layton and the Giant Peep

Apr 12, 2010 15:02

(I'm sorry for the background fail... please use your imagination.)
Oh and my camera and lighting sucks so very much... u_u

One fine day, Professor Layton decided to visit his favorite cafe for a cup of tea after work.
When he arrived he was shocked to find a rather large and curious bird-like creature sitting upon his favorite table...


He at first mistakenly believed the creature to be the rare and presumably extinct Chickasaurus but soon realized it was a giant Peep, the sugar-covered marshmallow confection commonly found in the United States and Canada. Although Professor Layton was thirsty he was also a little hungry and in the mood for something sweet....

"No! No! Please do not eat me!" cried a voice.

Professor Layton was startled when he heard the bird speak. "Have I somehow picked up Luke's ability to understand animals...?" he wondered to himself.

The bird saw the confused look on the professor's face and spoke again.

"Allow me to introduce myself." she said, "My name is Peep and I am a Magical Peep, one which cannot be eaten.  I am trying to find my family...  A strange woman took me away from my home today and I'm trying to go back.  I miss everyone so very much."

Professor Layton apologized for trying to eat her and offered to help her in her quest to find her home and family, because after all, a gentleman must help a lady in need!

The giant Peep was so happy she offered to carry the professor on her back.

Professor Layton was a little uncomfortable with the idea of sitting on a lady but Miss Peep insisted that it was okay.

Miss Peep had no trouble supporting the weight of the professor.  And off they went to search for her home and the family waiting for her return.  Professor Layton thought about his young apprentice, Luke, and how much he would've enjoyed riding the giant magical peep.  He then realized that he didn't have much of a view...

Miss Peep had no objections to the professor sitting atop her head.  After all, he would be able to see things easier from up there.

Some distance away was another giant bird. This one was gray and white and had a glorious crest upon her head. She spotted the strange travelers and in fear flew to a higher perch.

Professor Layton and Miss Peep also spotted the bird and thought to try speaking to it. Perhaps it would know where to find Miss Peep's family!


The professor greeted the bird warmly but the gray bird was reluctant to approach him and wondered if the two strange creatures were edible... She was very curious and so drew closer to them.

As the gray bird went for a closer look, Professor Layton introduced himself and Miss Peep.  The gray bird then realized they were not to be eaten and was disappointed. As she turned to leave...

the professor complimented her feathers.
No one besides the woman ever compliments the feathers that she works so hard to keep nice and beautiful every day!

She wasn't sure at first but then thought that the man who called himself "Layton" to be kind creature and asked them what they were doing.

Miss Peep told the gray bird her sad tale and the gray bird told them that she recently overheard the woman talking about going to New York soon and that they should come along as well. Surely they'll find Miss Peep's family in that grand and wondrous place!

Professor Layton thought that wasn't a bad idea and always wanted to visit New York... so he and Miss Peep took the gray bird's advice and hid inside a very large bag that was big enough to hold the both of them.  And they waited...

(to be continued...?)

misc: toys

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