Aug 18, 2009 19:18

We actually did this yesterday, and I was going to post it after I did the screencap post, but then I sort of fell asleep and now I'm playing catch-up. So mod and mod's BFF kaitodoushi decided to do something fun and share it with you. Warning: not for the faint of internet connection. Here there be pictures.

First stop, the store! This is actually where both of us work, though in different departments. We were going to take pictures of our two work-places, but we decided not to because we both had a day off, so going to the "office" was at the end of our list.

Decisions, decisions! Ultimately we chose triple chocolate brownies.

The tools with which we will conquer the world DO FUN THINGS! Also, that's my kitchen counter, and my dining room in the background, just in case any of you wanted to know where your friendly neighborhood Candy lived :D



Baking. GameCube. Wewt~ (And yes, the back of one of those heads belongs to me.)

Is it done?

Yay, it's done!

Cooling. This is the game we're currently hooked on, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door--what's that? Late to the party, you say?

And finally, the ultimate goal of the day, the finished product, and the cause for neither of us to stop giggling for probably an hour straight...


This all came about when we had a vote for cake on the comm celebration suggestion post. I made the comment to kaitodoushi that I was really thinking about doing it. So we made plans for a baking/gaming day, and this was the result. Kat suggested that I abuse my mod powers and make a new tag for us--fanwork: baked goods.

...we also took pictures of us eating the brim of the hat, but I'm chickening out of the whole "posting my face on the comm" thing. So yes, we made delicious Layton!hat!brownies for you all to...well, look at. But I assure you that they were delicious :D

fanwork: misc.

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