May 31, 2008 07:06

As promised, ladies and gentleman, the prompts for the exchange!

I think I got it handled so no one has anything they're not comfortable with :S We ask that you do the prompt you're assigned first, and then if you see another prompt that makes your plunnies go CHOMP, go for it! Since the point of this is to jump-start some inspiration, writing or drawing for multiple prompts is encouraged. Just do your assigned one first to make sure that everyone gets their requests fulfilled ^_~

And with no further ado...


ahnjehleehn draws for jounetsu_ryu: Professor Layton the great magician! =|:-D

airewathiel draws for o8_pursuer_80: Bickering

biz_notch draws for cherelle_holmes: Layton/Flora “Happy Birthday”

candy__chan draws for rimon: Layton taking Luke to an amusement park! One that’s open for business and DOESN’T try to kill them.

cherelle_holmes draws for iseepurplehair: Layton, Luke, and Flora on a ferris wheel (since Luke was so bummed when he didn’t get the chance)

clua draws for tangerinefox: Gizom (robo-dog) - either helping find hint coins, being built, or just being a dog, etc.

dia_aren_marie draws for ahnjehleehn: Layton, Luke, and Flora in elegant/fancy clothing? xD;

granlogin draws for biz_notch: Someone putting together a jigsaw puzzle of Layton.

iseepurplehair draws for mint_eclair: Flora teaches Luke to dance - well, she was the daughter of a baron.

jounetsu_ryu draws for uchihaaddiction: Luke discovers what’s inside the Professor’s hat!

magi_sammy draws for candy__chan: Luke gets his very own top-hat.

maskalade draws for granlogin: Layton/Luke/Future!Luke OT3. Playing piano or drinking tea or something cute like that? /o/;

mint_eclair draws for dia_aren_marie: Layton and Lady Dahlia talking? …with Claudia being cute and distracting? xD

o8_pursuer_80 draws for clua: I want a giant cup of tea without tea! And Layton inside-above him a giant teabag with Luke inside.

rimon draws for maskalade: Luke, Teen-Luke, Flora, Layton - playing cards.

sometimesuhurt draws for airewathiel: I’d love some crack with any of the characters from the first game. I can draw anything in return!

tangerinefox draws for magi_sammy: I’d like a drawing of Professor Layton in his younger days. Child or Teenage would be preferred!

uchihaaddiction draws for sometimesuhurt: Uke!Layton + Cake + Luke


biz_notch writes for magi_sammy: Layton/Flora - Layton teaches Flora how to play badminton or some other fancy English game.

candy__chan writes for maskalade: Luke/Flora. A cute-fic focusing on their substantial height difference?

dia_aren_marie writes for jounetsu_ryu: Luke adopts some animal and causes Layton to become a jealous gentleman.

jounetsu_ryu writes for dia_aren_marie: Oh oh oh oh, I’d love to see a fic with the Baron and Archibald talking like bestest buddies. DAWWW.

linjeec writes for o8_pursuer_8o: Father

magi_sammy writes for biz_notch: Adult Luke goes to visit Layton only to find out he died a week ago.

maskalade writes for linjeec: Layton clears the subject of women up for a perplexed Luke.

mint_eclair writes for candy__chan: How Layton got his top-hat.

o8_pursuer_8o writes for pezdude66: When Don Palo Turns Layton to a baby, it’s up to Luke to destroy Don’s plot of stealing Flora’s $$

pezdude66 writes for mint_eclair: Violet and Reinhold as children (er, if I remember canon) or their first meeting.

These were assigned through some very modern, high-tech methods. I drew out of a hat :D

I also offer this post up for discussion--if you want to ask the person you're writing/drawing for if something's okay or prod for more suggestions, go ahead and do it here. Otherwise...that's about it. Do the prompt you're assigned first, and then let your imagination run wild.

Have fun!

fanwork: exchange

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